Archived Inventory

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Dec 24, 2012
Dun dun dun....

Can someone give me the breakdown on how inventory is compiled? Such as, once Regis comes in and does their scans, how are the final numbers tallied?
shortage or did the DC or FDC never send it to our store..

Milk from the vendor is always a shortage as Starbucks just takes all the whole, skim, 2% market pantry, half and half and heavy whipping cream that they want.
The so called "Target Math" never ever is right !!
they now steal bananas like crazy too !!
shortage or did the DC or FDC never send it to our store..

Milk from the vendor is always a shortage as Starbucks just takes all the whole, skim, 2% market pantry, half and half and heavy whipping cream that they want.
The so called "Target Math" never ever is right !!
they now steal bananas like crazy too !!
We bring them the ripest bananas every day. They requisitioned a bin to keep them in.
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