Archived Is the my time schedules accurate

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No. Take a picture of wall schedule when 1st posted. Spot is know to change schedules without telling you.
ASANTS. MyTime is far more up to date than the wall at my store. The wall schedule doesn't change at all after it's been posted at my store, but the online schedule gets its data directly from myTime so it's as accurate as can be.
It's the most up-to-date version of the schedule and reflects what shift start times that the time clock recognizes. However, if it is different than the wall schedule, you can pretty much go by whichever version is more favorable.

Online schedule randomly has an extra shift in there? Come on in and nobody will say a word. Or if you can't make it, call up the store and tell them to check the posted schedule.

Hours get slashed mid-week? Go by the posted schedule, and point it out to the TL if your punch in is rejected.
The online schedule (if not in the middle of maintenance) will be up to date to almost the minute. My ETL added a shift for me and it appeared online right after he saved it.
At my store the schedule is never changed on the wall once it goes up. I had the HR person tell me that they are not allowed to switch it at all. The online schedule is the most up to date, its also nice to have because I live a decent distance from my store so if I'm not working the day it is posted I can check online.
So what happens when scheduled people quit? Ours changes all the time...
At our store, they talk to folks in the workcenter to see if anyone can pick shifts up; short shifts might be stretched.
The remainder are posted on the swap board.
As others have said, the online schedule is more accurate than the wall schedule. If you switch shifts/pick one up it will show up online but not on the wall schedule which is usually never changed after its put up (at least at my store). If there is a discrepancy between the wall schedule and the one online I would talk to HR.
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