Archived Job Postings

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Mar 30, 2015
So I have daily emails from two job-search websites, just in case I see something that sparks my intrest. The other day I saw an APS position open at one of the two Targets in my city. I clicked the link, which took me to Target's website, listing the city, but not the actual target. I logged on to eHR the next day, and the position wasn't listed anywhere, as if it didn't exist.
My question is, does Target list sone jobs for external hires only, not even listing them on eHR?
Maybe they're getting ready to fire someone and are trying quietly get a replacement lined up first.
So question is, can team members apply on the regular career site and still be considered?
AP positions are typically filled by outside hires because that way they aren't biased against fellow team members. They need to be objective to internal theft etc. That's the theory at least.
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