Archived Just an observation

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Aug 16, 2011
I believe the collective IQ of the ETLs in my store is 122. My direct one brings it down quite a bit as theirs is in the negative.

That is all.
One thing that myself and all the people who coordinated Black Friday said during the prep was that the best thing that the ETLs did was "nothing". They completely dropped the ball on it but in the interim the TLs who would actually be doing the work went ahead and planned it out and it was the smoothest set/prep/execution ever (for the most part).
Mixed bag at our store.
I'm pretty sure there are a couple of them who are very bright, a few medium range and a couple of dullards.
The big problem is that they are pretty much refusing to use any intellect and are only willing to follow the book.
The book pretty much kills brain cells.
I would actually prefer the book over what a few of mine do. They like to use best practice only when its in their favor. If its not, I can quote it all day and its as if i am making the most outlandish request
We have a new ETL. I love her to death. Shes a great woman and couldn't be any nicer. However, things don't click with her AT ALL. I was working freight out in an aisle and I had a walkie. As she was walking by, the LOD made a call to another TM on the walkie. She stops, looks and me and says "This walkie doesn't work at all, I don't hear anyone". Me being a good guy, I decided I would switch with her. She was an ETL and I could take a couple of seconds to walk to clerical and swap walkies for one that works. We traded and she carried on. I looked at her walkie and she was on channel two. I know some people forget they to change channels back, but I have to be honest. This wasn't the first time it happened.
Our ETLs, STL and AP were all great for Black Thursday......thru Black Sunday.
The Black Thursday set-up went smoothly. Guests arriving....smoothly. Guests lining up for check out...went pretty well, too. By 10:30pm we'd finally gotten rid of the line of guests who'd come in first.

Our Black Thursday went pretty well, and I am proud of the way the night went.
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