Archived Looking to Join Target

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Jan 27, 2015
Hi all, former wally worlder here. I recently relocated (do to wife's work) and left Walmart because there was not a DC in the area. There is however a Target DC . A question I have is when would they start hiring and do they hire often?(I know Walmart hires heavy for the holidays and back to school, but would also hire off season too) also is it easier for Target store associates to transfer to the DC? I was thinking of trying to get hired at the store level and then transferring asap, and if I did how long would I have to wait until I would be eligible to transfer? any help would be appreciated
For hiring: Right now, June-July for BTS/BTC, and Aug/Sept/Oct for Q4
Yes, it's prob easier to transfer (it's how I got here), but you need to finish your 90 days, and you still have to apply, interview, etc. to get the transfer.
Just a word of warning, some DCs are much much slower then others. I'm sure mines the exception but its been 5 years since we hired. So you may want to check on that before you get your hopes up.

As far as store transfer goes, I believe your guaranteed an interview if you already work for target. But you have to get approved for it, so if your not in good standing then.... Yeahhh..

I too started in the store, DC life's much better
it took awhile but I finally have an interview for Monday, can someone tell me what to expect at the interview?
You can except 2 management level employees giving you a Q&A about yourself and how you have handled things in the past relating to your job. Very similar to the store interview process, you may be hired on the spot or you may get a call in a week or so. When I got hired I was hired on the spot and simply told I just needed to have my transfer approved by my TL and I think HR-ETL but I know others (outside target) who did get calls later on.

I think most of the questions I saw on there are similar. Just try to come across as genuine and excited about the position.

If you get in....
4. It's a marathon not a sprint.

Your likely to see a lot of the people hired on with you not make it out of their 90.

Good luck
oh sorry, I should of specified it was for the DC. Thanks Trowa, good advice
Yea, dunno how much help I can be. My transfer process was just a single phone interview by a SGL. All the standard 'tell me about a time' questions.

As for staying around past 90 days, Trowa got most of the pointers down. Just try to bust ass all day. Don't stand around doing nothing. Try to help others when you can. Ask questions if you don't know something. Follow Best Practice as if your life depended on it!

And it's true, the DC is far more brutal on axing newbies than store-side, so you're gonna wanna be on top of your game. Best of luck.
I'm a little interested to know... did you make it? Another comrade to join the glorious workers par... er uh join the fast fun and friendly totally supportive of our down stream customer team!
I have my physical assessment test at 1:00 on Monday, I guess I'm in after that
yeah so long as you pass the assessment your in. Even if there is something in your assessment that is note worthy (high-blood pressure) you just have to have a doc to say it's all good. Welcome to the team!
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