Lunch break

Can someone bring you lunch on your break?
Yes, but you have to let TSS know that they’re coming or they won’t get into the lot. You’ll also want to run it by your OM as far as any building rules about it. (ie. Who’s going to let you know they’re there if it’s a delivery service, if you can go grab it before your break, etc.)
I would let Guest Service know so when someone shows up with food they know how to handle it- like is the person with going to call you? you want guest service to call you up. Are they just going to leave the food. You may be busy when they come so it helps to have an exact plan.
I work the overnight hours ...
My folks or family used to drop by outside the parking lot, I would have to step outside the store through TSC and and pick up whatever they brought me, buzz the door and that was my routine.

It's only a problem if I step outside the store if the ALARM is still up and running.
All the shift leaders start to scramble!