Archived Manually entering comp shop

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Not-so-new member
Aug 13, 2013
Hi, would anyone know if there is a manual way of doing the comp shop list? Our pda went down and will probably be sent back. I know there used to be a old way of manually doing it on the computer, wondering if that still exists and how to access? Virtually no one at our store understands how comp shop works or is never there (including my etl and PA/POG TL....both are somewhat new) LOL
Hi, I've done it manually once or twice, years ago. It was pure hell. Your best bet is to contact another store asap and get with their comp shop TM and borrow their pda. You can log into like usual and do your shop. When you or the other person transmit the data it will submit both stores at the same time.
Another store close to mine, their shopper lives about a mile from me. We have each other's cell # and just communicate between us when our PDA is acting up or sent off for repair.
If you're really curious how to do it manually, you can go on Workbench and look around for the Comp Shop process. I printed ours a long time ago and made a binder for it. You have to know how to log into the computer and maneuver through this ancient AS400 program....the one with black background and green font. You use the F keys to get around. It really is pure hell. It will take you twice as long. Let's say you have the freezer section. You will enter the pizza items, save, return. Enter another section like ice cream. Repeat this a few 50 times. I hated it!!
Thanks for the reply :) I found out today that I was actually lucky enough to know another store's comp shopper and could use their pda! :DWas told same thing about HOST and how much a pain in the butt it is....hopefully will never need to use it ;)
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