Archived Misspelled Word and Wasted Money

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Feb 27, 2015
Anyone else notice the misspelled word on the new price match stanchion insert for the holidays? The word is circular, not cirular. Don't they have spell checks? How much money did this waste? Sorry, best pic I could get on my phone. Now it will need to be reprinted. More money wasted.

When I was still in the front end, I was the walking spellcheck for leadership.
Looking at the signs they posted, I couldn't believe they were college grads.

Lol I used to do that for HR when they would make typos on the table talkers.
I've been doing some training, and it's amazing how many spelling errors there are that actually detract from reading simple sentences. I imagine they put the same effort into their signage and ads.
I can't tell you how many signs I replaced because of misspelled words or poorly worded signing (who remembers the SPOOKS signing from many Halloweens ago).
It seems like basic spell check and someone with a bit of history under their belt to review all the signing before it went out would save them a ton of money.
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