Archived Monitors at self service checkouts

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Former team member
Jun 27, 2012
I went into my local Target today and noticed they had monitors over each self service checkout station. I wonder why Target did that?
Are you talking about the ones that show live video of the guest at checkout? If yes, my guess is that it is probably to deter theft by letting guests know we have a clear image of what they look like.
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It's just a theft deterrent. Ours are not connected to the camera system, but some people have claimed theirs is.
LMAO its just a live video feed to deter guests from stealing.

There is a memory card slot on them but currently its just a deterrent.
i tell guests all the time they are being watched live on it when im on sco cos they are making faces in it or doing selfies its so annoying lol
Hmm. At my store, they check the video to see who took the cash back all the time. 3-4 times a day people were asking for cash back and leaving it there. AP was checking the tape. They needed to know which SCO, approximate time and what the guest was wearing to find it. My TPS is not a good enough actor (not the sharpest tool in the shed) to pretend to be viewing tape that doesn't exist.
lol I was told by our AP that the monitors are just dummies for deterrence but assume that was misinformation. I bet he's running a PSYOP to catch more internals
Hmm. At my store, they check the video to see who took the cash back all the time. 3-4 times a day people were asking for cash back and leaving it there. AP was checking the tape. They needed to know which SCO, approximate time and what the guest was wearing to find it. My TPS is not a good enough actor (not the sharpest tool in the shed) to pretend to be viewing tape that doesn't exist.
They still have the cameras in the ceiling, I think.
When I worked at Gymboree, they put those big sensors at the door for the magnetic tags. Thing is .... they didn't tag the clothes, and the sensors were just dummies.

So, I literally told people who asked that the scanner demagnetized the bar code and therefore, it would not beep. Don't pay, it goes off because I did not demagnetize it. People are stupid. They will believe anything.

That's funny though that the cameras might not be live. Target is so goofy.
Some high theft stores do have them connected to the main system and can pull them up on the AP computer. Not many, though. Very few.
fun fact: SCO will beep if you cover up the camera watching it
(I was cleaning it when it started freaking out on me)
Most stores those show live feeds only (no recording). Some stores actually do have them wired into the camera system. While it is much more common in high theft stores to have them actually recording, some lower risk stores also have them recording as a test pilot for now. So don't just assume they aren't recording.

With that said, all stores have ceiling mounted cameras recording the transactions.
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