Archived New flow hiree !

  • Thread starter MrGeppetto
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Hi everyone, I recieved a email that my orientation is on the 10th (going to call tomorrow to make sure)
and I'm nervous for my actual first "ever" work day.

thing is when I get anxious, I need to use the restroom lol

My question is, What is the unload process like, and what comes afterwards?
at the interview they said would I be okay for a 4am shift or something like that
So i'll have to wake up super early too, which is fine by me.
You'll come to the door and be greeted by either the team leader or executive team leader. You'll then get partnered up with a team trainer to walk you through the process. It's not hard work, after one or 2 days almost everyone gets the gist of the job. It's just high intensity for the time you'll be there.

Welcome to The Break Room.
It's not hard work in the sense that it's easy to figure out what to do. But it can be pretty physical and a bit of a workout if you're not used to it.

On the bright side, you will probably only have 4 or 5 hour shifts to start, so you can always go home and nap for a few hours before getting on with the rest of your day.
Received an email yesterday saying my orientation is on friday
I called today but HR wasn't there, so I'll try again early tomorrow.
That's good, I need the cardio too :)
I'd figure to ask them a lot of questions like
how to clock in, how to get my schedule, how to read labels, etc.

They will go over how to clock in at orientation. They will also give you a training schedule for the first two weeks. After that, your schedule will be where they post the schedule for all TM's, and you will be able to access it online as well.
Was heading out to Orientation, when I called HR to confirm today's Orientation
they said it was Friday, next week

You can't trust technology !
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wish me luck, orientation is truly tomorrow.
hope things go smoothly, and calmly (Bladder wise) ;)
Good luck and don't worry about it. Your orientation will be some video watching, a tour of the store and pretty much an overview of being a team member (breaks, clocking in, punch corrections).

I was super nervous going in my fist day of work (it was my first job) but after 5 minutes you'll get the hang of it.
Hello!! TBR will probably answer most of your questions. I got all my training here ,even for the phone system. I am in Softlines, probably different for flow.
Worst part of first few days for me was thirst- drink water every chance you get,

And welcome. Glad to have you.
thanks @RetailWorld
On the pick label, there can be a few "indicators" that dictate what to do with the product. On the label, it will be near the "Ad 08/21" in the example. If there is a "P", it means it needs to be pushed out. If there is an "S", it means stage. "B" means it's backstock...and part of the backrooms metrics is making sure that all product that has a "B" indicator gets backstocked. Otherwise your team is being inefficient and taking stuff out to the floor when they don't have to. If your store is a "Push All" store, this is how you tell the difference between what you need to take to the floor and what stays in the back without scanning everything on the line.

With the change to myPerformance though, it could be that this isn't a key metric anymore. I haven't dived into the backroom metrics with myPerformance.

Typically your NOP product will have some kind of info on the pick label that will give you a bit of insight on what's going on with it. If it's on AD, it could be there will be staged off area on the floor...or it could be that the planogram isn't in the system yet, so there will be a T indicator(Transition) with the date letting you know when it will be set. But if it's NOP or D-Code at this point, been in your store for awhile, and it looks like there will be no space or planogram for it in the foreseeable future...mySupport it, and request a CLR markdown on it.

thanks hardlinemaster & retailworld
gives me a good idea of what to expect in my first week.

my training schedule says 5-8 am
does that mean my store is low or high volume ? :)

cause I hear 4 am is normal
I am walking distance with target, which is great because I can walk over there anyways.
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Great advice from all those above me. As someone who is just a few weeks into a flow position, my advice is stay very hydrated and don't stress. I'm a pretty nervous person myself but after my short time on the team I already feel much better. Yes we are timed on everything, but that is more of a team timing than an individual. Nobody is going to get mad at you for taking a little bit to get into the flow of flow. For the love of all good things though, make sure all of the pallets and flats you stack with boxes is safe looking. Think Tetris. A bunch of the other new kids have been just throwing the boxes on the pallet, and by the time it is stacked high it looks more like a bad game of jenga than Tetris. Other than that just be courteous :) other departments are also on your team, we all pull together when necessary and they will really help you if you need them to. Good luck friend!
Thanks Hardlinesmaster !
I ran in drizzling rain to get to the store on time, I was early.
I almost left because of my anxiety, while inside anxiety calmed down, I had to run back and forth to the water fountain. (Dying of thirst)

the ETL was very kind and understanding :)

We did un-boxing and stocking shelves, back-stocking. for 8 hours.
from 1:30am to 8am.

I'd say the best part was break, and lunch time, we had peanut butter and jelly sandwich and chips
The worst part was un-boxing for back to school back packs.

Can't wait for wednesday ! :D
The schedule for today said 1:30am - ( ? )
I clocked out at 7:35 am.

not sure if i'm in trouble.
It is my training schedule too.
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