Archived New Releases on Friday's

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Dec 27, 2015
I'm scheduled to open Electronics on Friday the 18th when the new Pokemon game, new amiibo's, and some new CD's come out. I've never opened on a release day, is there any way to get a list of all the items so I can pull everything that comes out that day?
There should be some POGs waiting to be set or already set on the new release end caps. That should be your starting point. Beyond that, check with how your store does things.
My store pre pulls all that stuff the night before and leaves it in the lock up and we keep a communication notebook up at the boat that is filled with that information among other things so every electronics tm knows everything the others know. Best to check with the TL of the area.
You need to tie the new release POGs with a mydevice and it should auto create a batch for you to pull. Try to get them pulled the day before as you may not have time to pull it yourself and set on Friday (before store opens)
Assuming you are scheduled at 8am, take care of the guests, the new releases should be out already. Turn on your tvs. Don't forget to grab keys, too. Talk to your TL or etl & let them know you don't know electronics.
Ideally someone takes care of that BEFORE the store opens, so you shouldn't have to worry about it.

Ask your TL or other experienced TMs how it's done at your store.
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