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Expert t-shirt folder
Sep 6, 2015
I was in a Target in another city recently while visiting family. I saw a t-shirt I am just dying to get but nobody in my region has ever seen it nor can I find it on It's black, has a white embellished heart on it that looks almost lacy, but if you examine the "lace" carefully, they are all sihouettes of Disney princesses. Has anybody seen this shirt anywhere? I really want to get it for my daughter but have no clue how to go about finding it. I'd be happy to pay shipping costs if somebody could find it for me in a small.
No...there were several of them in different sizes. Also a tinkerbell shirt in multiple sizes. We handle some t-shirts with Disney logo, so I figured it was just part of that group. I know that people return stuff from other stores all the time, but we'd usually just salvage them or possibly put them on clearance "as is". These were very new t-shirts and were on display. I'm tempted to call that store, but it's been about 3 weeks now so don't expect any would be left. It was really a cute shirt - with other t-shirts on the special t-shirt wall. It was hanging, not folded with other licensed stuff.
Couldn't find anything on Target that matched that description. And I looked through Women's and Girl's. Nothing on Ebay, or a google search either. Sorry. Last chance would be to call the store. Otherwise, it might have been salvaged out already.
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