Archived One of my electronics TMs is about to get termed for his Red Card

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Oct 14, 2011
One of my electronic TMs is about to get termed for not paying his red card. ETL-HR kept me in the dark about it until the last minute. (what else is new)

Anyway he has been with the store for over 8 years, and he used to be my electronics specialist. I will not lie - he is extremely valuable to me and the company. Honestly the department would fall apart if we lost him now, and I think we would take a serious hit before christmas if we lost him.

I talked to him on the side to find out what is going on. Basically he is not able to pay his red card due to other bills. I am considering paying the next two bills for him just to get us through the holidays.... (I would send the payment check in for him. I would not be actually giving him money) Just FYI - he did NOT ask me to do this, but I volunteered to do so.

I am wondering if there is any reason to believe Target would care if I did this? I really can't think of anything that would be against any rules by doing this.
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It has been long standing policy with spot. Paying any dollars on the red card will help. An effort of payment will help his case. If no payment made, he needs talk the credit folks now, withou delay. Spot can termed you for nonpayment. Spot does have financial folks who can help your tm for free. It's called liferesources, ck on your spot wall near breakroom for that info. Good luck!
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It has been long standing policy with spot. Paying any dollars on the red card will help. An effort of payment will help his case. If no payment made, he needs talk the credit folks now, withou delay. Spot can termed you for nonpayment. Spot does have financial folks who can help your tm for free. It's called liferesources, ck on your spot wall near breakroom for that info. Good luck!

I am wondering how they knew he worked for Target to begin with? Surely they don't check to see if the millions of red card holders currently work at target. It just seems really stupid to me to come after one of a stores top performers especially before christmas. I mean, WTF will terming him do to help anyone?

For one thing he won't have a job anymore so obviously he won't be able to pay anything.

Secondly they are screwing the store out of a good TM.
I am wondering how they knew he worked for Target to begin with? Surely they don't check to see if the millions of red card holders currently work at target. It just seems really stupid to me to come after one of a stores top performers especially before christmas. I mean, WTF will terming him do to help anyone?

For one thing he won't have a job anymore so obviously he won't be able to pay anything.

Secondly they are screwing the store out of a good TM.

You are looking for logic in the wrong place.

I hope you TM can get things pulled together and you can help so they don't loose their job.
If they see that all his purchases use a TM discount, that's how.
That's also the double-edged sword: you get to use your discount & get an extra 5% but it's the ONE bill you NEVER want to miss payments on. If you mail in a payment or two, they'd have your info from your check but it's also none of spot's business if you help a TM.
Because you care (not just because your butt would be in a sling w/o him during Q4), I'd make a couple of minimum payments (as long as it doesn't create a hardship for YOU) but urge him to seek financial counseling so it doesn't look like you did it to keep him only for the holidays.
If nothing else, getting a pink slip is a crappy Christmas present.
There's a couple of 'angels' at our store who've helped folks with gas money, rent deposits, car payments, a meal - just to tide someone over enough so they don't fall between the cracks.
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They can see...I had an old HR Specialist/GSTL that was written up for bouncing a couple small checks while going through a divorce. If they can get you for checks, they can certainly get you for non-payment of the RedCard.

I am no financial expert but your fellow TM might benefit from trying to consolidate their card for a better interest rate/lower payment.
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