Archived oos.....out of stock

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Jan 23, 2015
how do I fix this score is between 10-15....I have tried several methods and no success anyone got any ideas?
If You have done research or in stocks correctly, should be replenished by the truck soon. Are you are part of in stocks? Also, have you pog fills or exf's in those areas to get product to the floor?
yea I am in instocks.....we research as best practice says......we shoot outs Plano team is kinda horrible with pog fills
There used to be an OOS report that showed depts. that customers couldn't find items in? Anyone know what happened to that? Not the heat map one.
I think the oos is based more on items that u zero out
That is the score you are responsible for but have almost no control over.

Make sure you research it with a fine tooth comb, and do this for a couple weeks, and make sure that say all your cat food is stocked correctly(our flow team goes by color not flavor so they get really mixed up). Check for D-Code and get those empty spaces flexed over, cause I think it is due for a reset soon(my store yours may vary).

If you need to stand alone research things do it. Work your drastic count as well, get anything on there cleared off.

Check in back for bulk items litter, dog food which could be up in the steel and not located. Sometimes the litter gets mixed up as well when its in case packs.

But keep doing what you do, you can't really control what you get or don't get shipped to you. If you get your scans and stock sorted where they are correct, its no longer on you, toss that heat back on your leadership to get the replenishment triggers lowered so you get more product.

Hope that helps.
we currently take just 3 trucks a week, and we get over 5000s research scans a week...oos is so high I'm constantly auditing and items are fine so I'm just confused at time.
we currently take just 3 trucks a week, and we get over 5000s research scans a week...oos is so high I'm constantly auditing and items are fine so I'm just confused at time.

I would look at the triggers for replenishment they may be to high.. If I remember right its the trigger to make things pull on a CAF, when it drops to a certain point it also triggers product to pull from the DC.. But if your numbers are right its NOT you.. Leadership needs to push it up the chain, that you guys are just not getting product. Find out if things are going to reset, remodel, or if manufactures are having supply issues. We had that recently with Bounty paper towels.. Bounty had supply issues so we were constantly out of paper towels..
If you're researching vigilantly, then MySupport the DPCIs that are consistently not being replenished. As Bosch said, it may be something beyond the store level.

Anyone remember ZEBRA?
Zebra is... From another thread. It is z-date.
I like "no locs" as an abbreviated "no locations."
I hate that I have an ETL that still calls stationery "notions." It hasn't been notions in at least 8-10 years! I don't like that some supers have "lingerie" whereas gm's just have "intimates." Also, "Sleep/active" is just an oxymoron. Anything vibe related. I can't say "amazing" anymore without blatant sarcasm. ZEBRA when z-dates are never anywhere near accurate to begin with.

sigma7, Feb 5, 2014Report
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Has anyone seen the link to the weekly instocks update lately? Mysupport told me to make sure I check it before I mysupport OOS but I cannot find it anywhere!
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