Archived Opening Packaged Underwear

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Nov 23, 2011
I was just wondering, working in Soft lines, is it just my store, or do the guests constantly rip open packaged underwear. In all departments, be it men's, ladies or kids. I've tried everything. When I catch them in the act, most get very irate and tell me that they don't know the size, etc. I'm sorry, but shouldn't most people know their size by now? I understand maybe wanting to feel the material, but I've had some guests open a few different sizes. And let's not even mention the places they toss them when done. What's worse is the guest's who want to try them on in the fitting room. Would you really buy underwear that someone else tried on? I try to tell people they cannot try it on. Some will be alright with it, some get into fights with me. To those, I let them, but if they don't want them, I immediately have the fitting room attendant charge them out. We've written to corporate and they're reply wasn't too helpful. Basically saying that guests can try them on over their shorts, etc. But really, what goes on behind closed doors? We lose a lot of money this way. Just wondering how it goes in other stores.
oh it's horrible at my store!!! I can do cartfuls on a weekend night of rewraps. And never, ever do I let them try them on in the fitting room. The thing that gets me and the rest of the SL team is the ones that rip open a package that has easy open flaps. Those vex me!!
In the case of women's underwear, either it's denial (they can't beLIEVE they actually have to go UP several sizes) or overkill (can you say granny panties?).
As to kids, I'd tell the mommas to look at their clothing size as a guide. Too big? They'll grow into 'em!
As to, never mind....
yes, many guests need to open the underwear, nylons, and then dump them on the floor, toss them on a rack - yeah - it's annoying. Makes many markdowns.
I was up on the Wave doing the signing in intimates and watched an older (keeping in mind that I'm old) woman open 4 or 5 packages of different brands of panties.
She was muttering something about the crotches not being thick enough?
I have no idea but she didn't seem to find what she wanted.
Yup. Any soft lines team member can tell you they have experienced this before.
When they do it in front of me, I usually try to tell them in my sweetest voice that they cannot open them unless they have purchased the item.
They usually walk away without it, open it right in front me as they stare at me! or nag and leave. Is there nothing we can do, why can't they get in trouble for it?

When a guest tries to try on the underwear in the fitting room, I tell them underwear cannot be tried on for sanitary reasons.
I tell them they can go ahead and purchase the item and return the underwear if it doesn't work out or don't take it all.

Sometimes guests will come up to me questioning why they underwear package was ripped open. "They always say Does this mean someone tried them on and returned them!? Thats disgusting, how can you let this happen?" I'm like seriously, do you really think we would let people return dirty underwear?

*sigh* :facepalm:
I was up on the Wave doing the signing in intimates and watched an older (keeping in mind that I'm old) woman open 4 or 5 packages of different brands of panties.
She was muttering something about the crotches not being thick enough?
I have no idea but she didn't seem to find what she wanted.

my mother thinks that some crotches don't go wide enough....last time I measured (and I have seen MANY types of underwear) they are all the same, except thongs.
RE: women's underwear....some brands have goofy sizing. Some brands have numeric sizes for women's underwear instead of your typical S,M,L,etc. The sizes do NOT correlate to the size pants you wear, either....I made the mistake of buying the same size as I wear in pants and they were HUGE!!! The "sizing chart" on the back of the packages isn't very accurate, either, because I then purchased the size one of them says I should wear and they were way too SMALL! I ended up just "splitting the difference" and finally got the right size....of course, I tried the same size in a different brand and they didn't fit, I had to go down a size :facepalm:
I have to say, though, that a LOT of them have the "sticky" closure so you can open them and reclose them without completely destroying the package (or am I getting them mixed up with socks???)
I have to say, though, that a LOT of them have the "sticky" closure so you can open them and reclose them without completely destroying the package (or am I getting them mixed up with socks???)

yes they do but people still just tear the suckers open
I have to say, though, that a LOT of them have the "sticky" closure so you can open them and reclose them without completely destroying the package (or am I getting them mixed up with socks???)

Still....if I know someone tried on a pair of panties in the pack I just picked up, that's gross!
what's gross is all the sticky liners from the swimsuits on the floor in softlines, and on the walls in the fitting rooms. Rubber gloves please!!!
I thought of this thread tonight when I got a pair of thongs back in the FR (from up front) without tags....I was defecting them out (green) when I noticed a spot that would be the reason I call thongs "butt floss". EWWW!! And then I had to pick up more of those sticky liners. I used a ton of hand sanitizer tonight!!
Our FR goes through gallons of sanitizer & cartons of gloves.
Funny how they've never been asked to sign the hazmat form they give to the cart attendants - the one that says they'll agree to take shots should they be exposed to a biohazard.
And if there ever was a biohazard, it's the stuff that comes outta those fitting rooms.
what's gross is all the sticky liners from the swimsuits on the floor in softlines, and on the walls in the fitting rooms. Rubber gloves please!!!

I'm a terrible operator...I leave those for the cleaning crew. Not touching that!

We had someone leave a brown "gift" on the carpet in the FR once...poor cart attendant.
Our FR goes through gallons of sanitizer & cartons of gloves.
Funny how they've never been asked to sign the hazmat form they give to the cart attendants - the one that says they'll agree to take shots should they be exposed to a biohazard.
And if there ever was a biohazard, it's the stuff that comes outta those fitting rooms.

I actually told my LOD that I wanted to get the training to be officially able to pick up the hazmat stuff....mainly because I am the one the idiot guests let loose with their bodily fluids on.
When people come in with undergarments to return, my first question is always, "These were never worn, right?" I have only had one person say yes and I refused the return. The LOD got called up for that one.
When people come in with undergarments to return, my first question is always, "These were never worn, right?" I have only had one person say yes and I refused the return. The LOD got called up for that one.

This brings to mind a story I saw on the Today show where they did an "undercover sting" at major retailers. The removed the "protective strips" and even STAINED some of them to make them look like they had been worn, marked the tags, and returned them. A few days later, they returned and found a scary amount of them back on the shelves...
I've asked several Soft lines people and different TM's. It comes down to what I personally prefer. If I catch a guest - I ask that they only open if they're serious in their purchase because once it's opened it is difficult to sell. They tend to understand and most of the time will purchase with out opening it. When they do open it, I ask that I can count to ensure that none were taken. That tends to work 90% of the time. The other 10%... Well. They are just playing the guest comes first game.
The 10% are the ones I wanna slap upside the head with the package they just shredded. :spiteful:
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