Archived Ouch?

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Jul 26, 2013
Back from work...and I just got chewed out about the redcards.
Been working for a month and I have total of about 20 something+ redcards since I've started. But this week I have been on a dry streak with only 2. And before I was knocking it out of the park, getting the most out of anyone and now their expectations of me are so high, that when I am not getting any redcards they treat me like a little kid getting scolded by their parents or teachers. Possibly because I am the youngest there, being only 18 where as almost everyone else I work with is around 20 something with kids. Besides being talked to like a little kid, one of the GSA's chewed me out threatening that I am "not meeting expectations and could easily be dropped after my 90 days", when last week I was told by the same person that I was their highest hitter and that I was doing so well and they all love me so much and they got me all these free starbucks and candy and whatnot and then flip 180 to this. Another bit of info is that we got new people in and today one of them got a couple redcards and I overheard the GSA telling her what she told me last week while I was busy clearing out my hanger bin...strange.

All I can say is everyone has those off days and this week has been that for me. They just shouldn't be threatening my job so soon when I have been consistently asking, being as nice and personable as possible, and overall just trying my best to push the redcards. oh well :p what do you guys think?
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This post scares the heck out of me. I was praised today for my red cards (first full day of work after orientation). I hope I don't get chewed out for having an inevitable bad day! :sorry:
Don't be too worried. From what I heard, every store is different. I live in a smaller town with mostly retired and older people and on top of that we have about 3 different Targets including 1 superTarget within 10 miles of another, so we're eventually going to hit a saturation point of how many people actually want redcards here. Either it's getting close to that point or everyone is off for vacation and we're left with the regulars. We'll see! I hope the best for you just keep asking and telling the perks. Not much more you can do sadly. hahah if only they would give more perks to redcard holders like special event days or express lanes. Then more people without them would be much more interested, but there is still that breaking point.
Correct me if I'm wrong but GSAs have no power, right? They shouldn't be threatening TMs because honestly they are there to watch the lanes, call for backup, fill change requests, and little things. They aren't there to make any human resource decisions.

BTW at my store, hardly anyone is dropped after 90 days. If you average a few REDcards a week, I bet you're totally fine. No one at my store has ever gotten fired due to lack of REDcards to my knowledge, though every store is different. But your REDcard conversion rate still sounds better than like 80% of our cashiers so I'm sure you're fine.
Correct me if I'm wrong but GSAs have no power, right? They shouldn't be threatening TMs because honestly they are there to watch the lanes, call for backup, fill change requests, and little things. They aren't there to make any human resource decisions.

BTW at my store, hardly anyone is dropped after 90 days. If you average a few REDcards a week, I bet you're totally fine. No one at my store has ever gotten fired due to lack of REDcards to my knowledge, though every store is different. But your REDcard conversion rate still sounds better than like 80% of our cashiers so I'm sure you're fine.

GSA's are just glorified cashiers on a power trip. you are right, they have no real power. they aren't team leads.
That is true! Indeed she is a GSA not a GSTL or an LOD. She did come up to me after taking a peek at the little clipboard and saw I had none and then proceeded to tell me that I have been having a drought of redcards and that when they hired me they expect much more out me. I don't know what her game is, but it's weird.
From what you said I shouldn't really worry. I'm still upset about being treated as if I am kid though. Yeah I am young and new, but I don't need to be spoken to in such a manner. It really was noticeable when she was speaking to me really slow saying "do you know what conversions are...yooooours isn't looking gooooooooood this week" then she left me a note saying "ask me if you need help. you can do it! *smiley face*" She could have just said "hey, not getting any redcards huh? have you asked everyone? Okay just to let you know your rate is down but just keep doing your best! We know you have it in you!" Oh well, she is still above me and beggars can't be choosers :p If she keeps doing that though, I will most likely bring it up to someone else of higher authority. weird stuff.
GSAs don't really have any power, but at my store we had pretty much every team lead backing us. I had team leads do coachings for me on multiple occasions, but it was usually for pretty serious stuff that had to be corrected on the spot.

Don't cross your gsas with the thought that you will get away with it because they have no power, it can bite you in the ass when they status with their gstl ;-)

Macks, don't bother going above her on it... Won't get you anywhere. Most gsas are expected to do that.
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GSAs don't really have any power, but at my store we had pretty much every team lead backing us. I had team leads do coachings for me on multiple occasions, but it was usually for pretty serious stuff that had to be corrected on the spot.

Don't cross your gsas with the thought that you will get away with it because they have no power, it can bite you in the ass when they status with their gstl ;-)

Macks, don't bother going above her on it... Won't get you anywhere. Most gsas are expected to do that.

Lesson learned: don't piss off a GSA because they will whine and cry and call in air support. lol.
GSAs don't really have any power, but at my store we had pretty much every team lead backing us. I had team leads do coachings for me on multiple occasions, but it was usually for pretty serious stuff that had to be corrected on the spot.

Don't cross your gsas with the thought that you will get away with it because they have no power, it can bite you in the ass when they status with their gstl ;-)

Macks, don't bother going above her on it... Won't get you anywhere. Most gsas are expected to do that.

Lesson learned: don't piss off a GSA because they will whine and cry and call in air support. lol.

Yeah well, for what I was getting paid i didn't want to deal with cashiers pissing me off :p

Fortunately people listened to me.
GSAs don't get that much of a raise when going from cashier to GSA. There are too many headaches involved with being a GSA.....and not enough money to make it worthwhile.
GSAs don't get that much of a raise when going from cashier to GSA. There are too many headaches involved with being a GSA.....and not enough money to make it worthwhile.

isnt the raise from cashier to GSA like..... 30 cents, if that?
I know of two GSAs that got a 25 cent raise.....both of these GSAs ended up stepping down from the position because of all the hassle they got from the GSTLs.

I wouldn't be a GSA for all the tea in China. It's a job that has almost the same responsibilities of a GSTL, but not the same pay. Both jobs require coming in before the store opens, leaves all issues to the GSA when a TM doesn't show up for work, has to figure out how to get carts in when the cart attendant calls off or if there's a two hour break between the am & pm cart attendants, dealing with FA, having to beg for someone to give them a break, dealing with VERY unhappy guest........NO WAY!! Too much abuse.
Haha sounds good to me. I mean if I get some redcards and keep cool things will lighten up. I mean hey, i could even like her if I got to know her off the clock. Irritating stuff is bound to happen, but you're right. Things are in tiers here and it can cause a chain reaction. Best to just let it go. Thanks man!
Oh wow. No kidding? Only bout 25 cents. I can understand the occasional crabbiness with that position a bit more now
Especially considering the GSA position is essentially a CO specialist (now obsolete) who covers full or partial GSTL shifts.

Pay increase from TM to GSTL: $3.00
Pay increase from TM to Spec: $1.00
Pay increase from TM to GSA: $.50

Corporate cashed in big with this idea.
I know of two GSAs that got a 25 cent raise.....both of these GSAs ended up stepping down from the position because of all the hassle they got from the GSTLs.

I believe when the GSA position was originally created (late 2008?), it was only a $.25 raise. Soon after, they bumped it up to PG7 and as far as I know it's remained at $.50 since then. Should be $1.00, IMO, but I don't work in Minneapolis...
The other attraction of the GSA was supposed to be that you would get steady hours but I knew cashiers who went to being GSA's and actually lost hours.
Even with the pay raise they were making less money and had more responsibility.
They were doing swap shift GS and cashier shifts (granted with the GSA pay).
Well the hours were nice. I was at 39-40 (with overtime sometimes! I probably had 30 hours or more o/t as GSA) every week for a year and a half. Never went under 38. They would let me fill up to 40 too.
GSAs were & still are a GSTL on the cheap for many stores in that they are expected to do a lot of the heavy lifting of GSTLs but don't have any authority (coachings, reviews, etc). The effective ones, however, often have the ear of their GSTLs/ETLs so you don't want to piss them off by doing end-runs or going behind their backs.
It also stands to reason that spot is fickle in how they treat TMs. As long as you're getting redcards, have wide avail & knock yourself out for them without ever complaining, you're a team player/rockstar. If anything in that little world changes - have a redcard dry spell, sudden change of avail, questioning dubious practices/treatment - you are spot enemy #1.
The next time you're approached in such a manner, I'd ask them why they're talking like that (recommend a lightly, joking manner). Then (serious manner here) let them know that you're have a little dry spell but you're NOT letting that discourage you from asking all guests & trying your hardest.
Document that incident. GSA's are not to coach you in any fashion. They are only to pass along information from the GSTL to the cashiers/cashiers to the GSTL. They have no supervisory authority over any cashiers.
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