I'm Lost! Plzz help am I rehireable

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Feb 5, 2015
So I worked for target for over 2 years and I ended up getting a job at Cleveland clinic and when I put my two weeks in my managers (etl & stl) said that they wanted me to stay and that I was a good worker and hate that I was leaving but here's the thing , I put in my two weeks notice and like a dummy I didn't go my last day, a no call no show so anyway I work part time at Cleveland clinic now and I want to go back so today I called and spoke to the same Etl and he said he would like for me to come back but since I ddint go the last day of my two weeks notice it's considered as a non rehirable/termination so he's gonna talk to hr and the stl and said to call him back Friday, p.s I was a very good worker and always had all excellents on my reports/reviews and All the managers liked me, I regret so bad doing the no call no show on my last day , September was when I left now it's febuarsry so it's been sometime but I just hope that something can be done , I wish I would of got back to them and tried to work both jobs at the same time but I never did I just ended up doing a no call no show my last day
I thought once your non rehirable it's forber or 7 years but I hope so cause it has been about 6 months
Like Hardlinesmaster said I would think you would be able to be hired by now. I have seen people re hired who have done far worse than just not showing up on their last day. The fact that you are liked by the etl is in your favor .
Ok so Friday which is tomorrow the etl said call him back so I'm crossing my fingers I am a bit worried but like you said I may have a pretty good chance
I merged the two threads because they are basically the same question with the same info.

You will do better to stick with one thread.

You would also get better responses doing sentences and not a wall of text.
If people can read what you are saying, they are going to be more likely to respond.
If your mangers liked u a lot and would like you to come back but u been marked un-rehireable cause you didn't go your last day of your two weeks is there anything they can do or you can do to get re-hired
So I worked for target for over 2 years and I ended up getting a job at Cleveland clinic and when I put my two weeks in my managers (etl & stl) said that they wanted me to stay and that I was a good worker and hate that I was leaving but here's the thing , I put in my two weeks notice and like a dummy I didn't go my last day, a no call no show so anyway I work part time at Cleveland clinic now and I want to go back so today I called and spoke to the same Etl and he said he would like for me to come back but since I ddint go the last day of my two weeks notice it's considered as a non rehirable/termination so he's gonna talk to hr and the stl and said to call him back Friday, p.s I was a very good worker and always had all excellents on my reports/reviews and All the managers liked me, I regret so bad doing the no call no show on my last day , September was when I left now it's febuarsry so it's been sometime but I just hope that something can be done , I wish I would of got back to them and tried to work both jobs at the same time but I never did I just ended up doing a no call no show my last day
Calm down, be patient, and do as your former ETL said and call them today to find out for sure. There is no point in speculating when you know you will have an answer in a matter of hours.
The only reason why I ask so many times is because I'm getting different answers but then again who really knows, won't know until I call them back tomorrow
You have to work your final weeks in whole or have them covered, or you will be deemed non-rehireable. So you screwed yourself with Target.

You might want to try applying for a position after 6 months or a year. And possible another store.

And don't mention Target on any future applications. If a company calls the Verification, they will inform them of your tenure with Target and if you are re-hireable.
I guess it depends on your store - our store has hired people back who have not done there full two weeks and were no show/no call. They have hired lousy workers back who have quit 2 to 3 previous times. Maybe we are just hard up for bodies.
Just depends on who did and didn't like you period they make things happen for those they want to ..
FYI I think target will only confirm to other employers if you worked for target or not. They used to say if you were rehireable but not anymore. I could be wrong though.
FYI I think target will only confirm to other employers if you worked for target or not. They used to say if you were rehireable but not anymore. I could be wrong though.
That's what I've heard on here.
Has anyone tested this out? Seems like you can't trust what Target management says they will or won't do anymore.
Has anyone tested this out? Seems like you can't trust what Target management says they will or won't do anymore.

There are laws and company policies about what they can say.
Businesses have been sued for bad mouthing ex-employees in the past so it's not in the managements best interests to say anything about you beyond your hire dates.
At one time they would say if you were eligible for rehire but they don't even do that anymore.
But when your red flagged as none rehireable who has the power to uplift that off your record so u can work there again
I'm getting ready to call them Ina few minutes cause they was a bit to busy earlier
But Wednesday I had called them and the guy told me to call back today since he will be closing so idk , me and this guy is pretty cool and also I'm cool with the stl but going up there rather then calling does seem a bit better chances
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