Archived Positive Leadership

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Apr 30, 2017
What do you do when ETLs have a rotten attitude? They don’t smile, dont say hello or hi. It seems like they have to go poop all the time.
Can a TL actually pull an ETL aside and talk to him/her about their attitude?
If not, how would you go about tackling an issue like that?
That’s a hard one. If you’ve got a good relationship with them, be frank with them. Let them know how they’re being perceived by some and that maybe they should work to improve on that.

I can’t really say how to go about doing that with an ETL you’re not comfortable saying something like that too though. I get along well with most of mine.
What do you do when ETLs have a rotten attitude? They don’t smile, dont say hello or hi. It seems like they have to go poop all the time.
Can a TL actually pull an ETL aside and talk to him/her about their attitude?
If not, how would you go about tackling an issue like that?

You can only do it if its directly towards you but I'd involve HR 1st before going bat ass crazy
What do you do when ETLs have a rotten attitude? They don’t smile, dont say hello or hi. It seems like they have to go poop all the time.
Can a TL actually pull an ETL aside and talk to him/her about their attitude?
If not, how would you go about tackling an issue like that?
You definitely can. Just be respectful about it the way you’d talk to a team member.
What do you do when ETLs have a rotten attitude? They don’t smile, dont say hello or hi. It seems like they have to go poop all the time.
Can a TL actually pull an ETL aside and talk to him/her about their attitude?
If not, how would you go about tackling an issue like that?

Maybe try a different "avenue" to get to the issue. Pull them aside and show "empathy". No accusation about a ".....rotten attitude" as you stated. But be empathetic: "Bob, you just don't seem like yourself right now...... is everything okay?" or "Bob, is there anything you I can help you with? You seem very unhappy at work..... is there something I can assist with?" Maybe they don't realize that they are generating a negative atmosphere..... but if someone shows "concern" for their behavior and/or reputation.... they may open their eyes to it. ( and for the love of God, don't bring up poop. Ever. Again)
At my store we’re encouraged to challenge upwards. I’ve actually done this, and asked an ETL if we could have a discussion in private and told them I have team members wanting to leave or transfer or call the hotline because of your attitude with them. I framed it as an ‘FYI/be aware’ type conversation. They took it as a reality check to cool it and back off of those TMs a bit. Perhaps let a trusted ETL know beforehand for advice and so someone has your back if the ETL in question doesn’t take it well.

If that doesn’t work, you can always drop these three magic words to your ETL-HR/STL/Hotline: Hostile. Work. Environment.
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If that doesn’t work, you can always drop these three magic words to your ETL-HR/STL/Hotline: Hostile. Work. Environment.

No, you really can't. Hostile work environment has specific legal meaning and will mean nothing if your ETL is a garden-variety jerk. If your ETL is harassing you or treating you (or other TMs) like crap because of their age, race, religion, gender, etc. then, yes, hostile work environment applies, but it ONLY applies in relation to discrimination laws.
I prefer the "mean" managers because they usually are on top of their game, get things done, and hold slackers accountable.
I prefer the "mean" managers because they usually are on top of their game, get things done, and hold slackers accountable.
I’m on top of my game because I have other leaders deliver my coachings, so that my team doesn’t do the whole fake work harder around me thing as much and I can get a sense of their true performance. Plus it gives me that nice guy image that means they don’t mind staying late if I ask them to etc.
Manage your team. You are their leader, not their friend. You need to learn how to deliver a tough message. If you do it while respecting your team, they will respect you back. I have delivered those messages to others' teams, and had TMs ask if their TL was too afraid to do it. Be careful.
Manage your team. You are their leader, not their friend. You need to learn how to deliver a tough message. If you do it while respecting your team, they will respect you back. I have delivered those messages to others' teams, and had TMs ask if their TL was too afraid to do it. Be careful.
Never thought about it that way, we all kind of deliver each other’s at my store. Good feedback, thank you
I have no problem coaching team members from other areas. But I'm not a big fan of writing every damn thing up. Sometimes its just a matter of saying "hey guys lets break up this blood clot and get back to work." I don't need to write that down and turn it into HR. But if I see them all standing around chatting again then I will. If one of those team members is on my team and the other 3 aren't I am not going to just single mine out and hold them accountable.
I had an electronics TM lose the keys, so I’d typed the coaching and on his way out he found them, so I shredded the document and told him next time he won’t get off so easy as keys can be a CCA.
I have no problem coaching team members from other areas. But I'm not a big fan of writing every damn thing up. Sometimes its just a matter of saying "hey guys lets break up this blood clot and get back to work." I don't need to write that down and turn it into HR. But if I see them all standing around chatting again then I will. If one of those team members is on my team and the other 3 aren't I am not going to just single mine out and hold them accountable.

Actually..... I would. Your TM is a representation of your expectations. While, I wouldn't "shame" my TM in front of the "blood clot" ( I would also "break up the clot" as you mentioned) .....But, I would definitely follow up w/ my own TM, shortly thereafter. Nothing serious; just a firm reminder that you expect better/more of your Team's performance and work ethics. Then... smile..... and get right back to work!
I would hold all of those team members accountable. I have high expectations of every team member in the building. I expect the best from all of them not just the ones who happen to fall under my watch.
To clarify just a bit. There are tasks that are specific to my team members and I expect that they do those precisely. The expectations that are common to all team members I will not hold mine to a higher level than the rest of the team, because I feel they all should be performing at the top.
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