Archived possible transition to TL?

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Flow Team Member
Nov 7, 2014
Hey guys, I just recently started at Target early October so I have been here for about a month, as a TM in flow/logistics. My TL and I have seemed to hit it off very well, and this is an awesome Target to work at.
In any case, my TL-LOG approached me today, brought me into an office, and personally asked me what my path was with Target, and asked if I ever considered becoming a TL myself. I obliged, as I am excited grow with this company. She brought up this development form on the computer, and showed me the form she is going to fill out for me.

I am curious; does this happen to all TMs, so they can transform you into a swiss army knife of sorts if they like you enough to promote you, or is there something my TL sees in me? Any response would be great. Thanks!!!
Thank you so much!! I want to know that I am liked that much; I am always second guessing myself!!!
Thank you so much!! I want to know that I am liked that much; I am always second guessing myself!!!

It's not a matter of being liked so much of thinking you can do the job.
Or at least it should be and it sound like you've got the skills to pay the bills.

It's natural to second guess yourself but it's also important to step in and take control when you see a need, otherwise the only people in charge will be the useless people who think the they know everything.
Congratulations! I hope they follow through with your training instead of dangling that carrot. Carrots are given out like candy at my store.
Thank you so much!! I want to know that I am liked that much; I am always second guessing myself!!!

It's not a matter of being liked so much of thinking you can do the job.
Or at least it should be and it sound like you've got the skills to pay the bills.

It's natural to second guess yourself but it's also important to step in and take control when you see a need, otherwise the only people in charge will be the useless people who think the they know everything.

Completely agree. I see being liked and knowing your job as equal; reason being that if there is a lack of either of those, it creates problems. I know we should not always care about what others think, but it definitely creates an uncomfortable work environment if a handful of your coworkers dislike you. (Especially in a leadership position such as TL.)
Thank you so much!! I want to know that I am liked that much; I am always second guessing myself!!!

It's not a matter of being liked so much of thinking you can do the job.
Or at least it should be and it sound like you've got the skills to pay the bills.

It's natural to second guess yourself but it's also important to step in and take control when you see a need, otherwise the only people in charge will be the useless people who think the they know everything.

Completely agree. I see being liked and knowing your job as equal; reason being that if there is a lack of either of those, it creates problems. I know we should not always care about what others think, but it definitely creates an uncomfortable work environment if a handful of your coworkers dislike you. (Especially in a leadership position such as TL.)

Mixed feelings on this.
On the one hand I can certainly say I've had coworkers and employees who I've really liked who would have been really bad bosses.
And I've had bosses (especially chefs) who I haven't liked much but who were decent bosses (they cared deeply about their employees when they weren't yelling and throwing things at them).
I don't have to like someone as a person to respect them as being capable. I only care if they're capable in regards to whether I'd promote them or not.

Being well liked though does seem to make it easier for most people to accept your promotions.
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This is something my TLs asked all TMs on the Flow/BR team. We did it so we knew who to develop and give more responsibility to. It may feel like a carrot being dangled at times but we fill positions as needed and the ETL hiring the TL gets to choose who to send forward to STL/DTL interviews. Make sense? As an ETL-Log, I wouldn't want ETL-HR or ETL-SL telling me who my new TL was going to be. I would want a say and my selected TMs should have priority since it is an opening in my work center.

It is a leadership core role to Manage Talent. Bringing you into the office and asking about your career development is part of their job. Hopefully they follow through and continue to develop you into a TL.
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