Archived Pricing.

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Jun 15, 2011
Well, here is a dilemma. I know with so many talented minds on this forum there are bound to be helpful answers.

I have had pricing for a while. I have experienced team members. Usually their score is always green. Green like the grass after a fresh rain green.

But the last few weeks we have really been struggling. They aren't finding what they are looking for. The zone is horrible. I mean, really truly horrible.

The pulls do not get pushed. The backstock is not getting finished on time. Instocks RARELY gets through their task lists. I've said before that our store is way, way off process. Usually when we walk in there are about 20 carts of reshop left from the day before. It's not good.

To get to the point, does anyone have any suggestions for helping them get back to green? They are getting frustrated as heck because the execs are breathing fire over payroll, and at the same time they are really trying to deal with how messy the store is.

Is anyone else suffering the same problems?
Yes, my store is the same. Pulls, backstock, and instocks not being done? Exactly the same at my store. I'm blaming most of my stores problems on the PFresh remodel, which also changed the layout of our backroom, in a negative way. Now there's a whole bunch of light duty aisles over on the receiving/bulk side of the backroom, which just causes a huge mess. Payroll is also a huge issue, PFresh "sales" didn't give us any extra hours. In fact, it seems like we have less hours, than even this time last year!
We are having problems too. Give it time, things will be back to normal shortly. I am stuck with 7 pallets of patio clearance, marked, unmarked, or not pulled yet. It will be done. So I know your feelings all too well.
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Give it time. Right now it's back to school, so all those processes that aren't able to be finished are because company wide, we aren't making sales, but we are being shopped at a high high high volume. Only problem is that instead of buying a bunch of $100, $50, $500 items, guests are buying 10 cent pencils and 20 cent notebooks, but buying 20,000 of them. So right now, everything is all backed up and crazy, but give it some time and things will rightside themselves.

I've had to give this speech at every huddle every week for the past month. Shoot me now please
Give it time. Right now it's back to school, so all those processes that aren't able to be finished are because company wide, we aren't making sales, but we are being shopped at a high high high volume. Only problem is that instead of buying a bunch of $100, $50, $500 items, guests are buying 10 cent pencils and 20 cent notebooks, but buying 20,000 of them. So right now, everything is all backed up and crazy, but give it some time and things will rightside themselves.
I've had to give this speech at every huddle every week for the past month. Shoot me now please

Sorry, I can't shoot you, because I need your help pushing comp books & notebooks! Just kidding!
Give it time. Right now it's back to school, so all those processes that aren't able to be finished are because company wide, we aren't making sales, but we are being shopped at a high high high volume. Only problem is that instead of buying a bunch of $100, $50, $500 items, guests are buying 10 cent pencils and 20 cent notebooks, but buying 20,000 of them. So right now, everything is all backed up and crazy, but give it some time and things will rightside themselves.

I've had to give this speech at every huddle every week for the past month. Shoot me now please

Happy to report that since our remodel we are killing sales. I can't imagine what we'd be doing if we actually were zoned, backstocked, getting all of the clearance to the floor and completing instocks tasks.
I wouldn't dare shoot you. It is very hard to give the "rah-rah" speech every single day when the team knows it's BS.

We are sitting on a tremendous amount of BTS. Most of it is out of the stockroom - but the guests aren't really buying. Plus, no one has zoned BTS pretty much since it was set. Ironic because the GOTL sent out the email about making sure someone was in that area every day zoning and filling.

Totally didn't happen.
My bts is zoned except for 1 or 2 areas. But, since it is ptm, now it's become anything goes. Just cover the label, please!
It's me or no one in bts. Most of the time, only one of four in the flow has a PDA in the am. Then I get to have the price checker. Woohoo!
I think we could save some serious payroll if we PLUd the entire back to school area. We could have the product come in with special packaging of necessary and like every other seasonal event, when it's time for it to go away it's PLU.

That would save more payroll than they could ever imagine.
i agree ccm!

for the first time ever, our bts section looks great the entire time. when the bins blew out, the salesfloor team got them off the floor. logistics flexes everything out as it comes it. everything looks as pretty as when it first set.

usually our store is a disaster area for bts. very odd.
Ummm, we don't have anyone working the salesfloor other than the closing zone team. All I can do is laugh. Better than having a mental breakdown.
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