Archived put in two weeks..question

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Oct 6, 2014
I put in my two weeks at target and my last day is coming last day at target conflicts with my new job a bit..I will be about 45min late ...Will target make me no rehire due to this or is that only if you call out during your two weeks.
Welcome to The Break Room! Nice username, that movie is great. :D

If you're a TM, see if someone else can take your shift. If you're a TL or higher, you may be SOL. I would think a NCNS would for sure make you non-rehireable, but I'm not sure about calling in.
If you haven't already told anyone that you're going to be late, call the same day (maybe 15-30 minutes before your shift is going to start) and tell the LOD that something came up and you're going to be an hour late. If they ask for details... car trouble, you're going to borrow a car when your friend gets off of work... family issue... I'm sure you can think of other things. That's what I would do, anyway.
I gave a 2 week then called off on my last night. Fast forward 5 years - I was desperate- reapplied and was re hired immediately. Been there ever since. But be careful not to.burn bridges.
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