Archived Question about paycheck

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Mar 7, 2012
Hi, I had a question about an item on my paycheck. I just noticed that on my current paycheck and my last paycheck an item called ServAwrd. I have worked for target 10 years, my anniversary was Sept. 23, and I am not sure what this is and the amount for it last period was 77.71 and this period is 155.42. I would appreciate if anyone could explain what this item is to me. Thank you!!

Like Sweety811, I have a "Servawrd" on my paycheck for 11/02 to 11/15. However, my anniversary was May 12. I haven't received any monetary awards, or gift cards or anything. It lists the earnings as $41.54... and came separate from my regular check, too. Anyone have any idea?
You should have gotten a gift card of some sort. This was just the paperwork they provided that they showed they paid all the taxes on it. Call the TMSC number on your pay stub, tell them you got this "check" but never got the gift card.
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