Archived Question for the PTLs

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Jun 8, 2014
Hello fellow PTLs!! Questions for you: how do you plan out your workload? Do you just start at one aisle and move on or do you find the worst aisles and set those first? How do you organize your desk? I'm trying to be more organized this year; ended last year at 94% transitions set on time and I really am going for green this year. Any help is appreciated!
It really depends on the transition what order we set in and how many people I have each day, and if there are any moves involved. With the last toy set I set it all out of order because of the way the aisles moved around. With this coming up Sporting Goods set I will just set in order and move down adding the revisions in as we go since there are 7 revisions over there this week. If there is one aisle that looks worse then the rest or really empty I normally will set those first and move along from there.

I have an office because I am a Sr so my set up is a little different. I have a board next to my desk where I put all 6 weeks adjacency calender's with transition manuals and any info I need to know clipped behind, TWT, signing update, Schedules, weekly plan, Playbook pages, Pre-tie schedule, and any follow up I have to do. On the board behind my desk I have all my price change info.

In the fixture room I have 7 wire baskets set up. This weeks POG's, this weeks revisions, tune in Tuesday/Friday (CD;s), next weeks POG's, next weeks revisions, and a signing basket. We put any POG's in the signing basket that need to be audited or if anything needs to be ordered from them.

I have a binder for the POG team on their cart. It has dividers with pockets in it. They are set up as follows: Plan, Schedule, Week 1 Adjacency calender with any transition manuals, early set notes, or other info they will need, then weeks 2-6 are in their own individual divider, Pre-tie schedule, Any Redwires go in one, and any email's or notes go in the last one. I have notebook paper behind if they need to leave me a note or each other a note for the next day or just reminders. In the front of the binder is an accordion style folder that I have days Monday-Friday and when I plan out the workload I put the POG's into daily folders. Everything is all in the binder for easy access for the team.
That sounds organized @PlanoBitch!

From another PTL (actually I'm a PPTL), here's how I organize/plan.

I base what the plans are around what is transitioning, how many people/hours I have scheduled that day, and what areas look the worst. (The entire team sets revisions and salesplanners, I don't have a dedicated person for each of those).

I organize the adjacency calendars, payroll plans, adjacencies and transition manuals in a binder, divided by current week, next week, 2 weeks out and so on. I keep a set of grids for each week where I write down the plans for each day on each page.

I have three shelves in the office with baskets with the paper pogs, organized by Planos, revisions, video games/entertainment. Each shelf has three baskets, this week, next week, two weeks out. I also have a cabinet where each shelf has the label strips organized (Hardlines pogs, revisions, softlines pogs, and sales planners).
Before leaving for the day I try to pull the label strips and planos out for the team and lay them out on the desk. If not the day before, I'm usually around a few minutes before my team shows up so I get it all ready and pass out the work at the time clock.
Thanks so much for your feedback! I am trying to be more effective in my role this year, and I'm sure these tips will help me!
How much time does this planning/ organization take you? And where do you find the time. Are your hours included in time lines?
I like Monday as my planning day. Of course I can't take all day. Monday is also pretie day so it is a good day to be in the office. I do set planos on Monday I just don't give myself a large work load.
I have my own office. I'm also a PPTL. I have a bulletin board that I place grids for each day, then assign the POGS to the TM for that day. I have wire baskets above one side of my desk on shelves for each day that has the POGS that are assigned. I also have baskets for POGS awaiting signing, not set, and the next week. On the other side I have shelves assigned for the label strips. I pre toe on Mondays, and staple POGS. On Fridays I'm TLOD so I'm not under presentation; I use this time to audit, follow up, order signing, and map out the next week. This allows me to send the email to the other TLS and ETLs so they can prepare their workcenters.

EDIT to add: I keep a binder for 8 weeks out with the adjacency calendars for those weeks, any maps for the sets (by week) and any early set note information. I also have a folder with my extra maps in the back of the binder for TLs and TMs to reference.
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