Archived Questions about Schedules and Swapping

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Dec 27, 2015
Hello everyone,

So the new schedule for 3/20-3/26 came out today and on Sunday the 20th I'm scheduled from 8am - 12pm in Electronics and then 12:45pm - 4pm as a Cashier. However on MyTime it says Cashier 12:45pm - 4pm twice under Electronics (so 3 boxes instead of 2) however it still only counts the shift at 7.25 hours. Is this an issue with MyTime or is it something I should bring up with HR to get it fixed? Next thing is if I put the shift up on the swap shift board do I do 2 separate lines for the Electronics and Cashier shift or do I try to fit the entire thing on one line since it's technically 1 shift?
Because they're in two different areas you could post them separately; might have a better chance of giving them away.
But you could be screwed if only one is picked up.
Because they're in two different areas you could post them separately; might have a better chance of giving them away.
But you could be screwed if only one is picked up.
I'd actually have no problem working the Electronics shift for 4 hours, my only worry is that they would question why I am only there for half of my shift but I guess if somebody is covering the other half then there's no problem. But you know, who's gonna want a 3 hour and 15 minute shift?
Are you in a state that requires a 45 minute lunch? Also, since the 2nd shift is less than 4 hrs. no 15 minute break.
Might talk to the opener in electronics & see how long their shift is, if they wanna pick up some hrs or if the closer wants to come in earlier.
However on MyTime it says Cashier 12:45pm - 4pm twice under Electronics (so 3 boxes instead of 2) however it still only counts the shift at 7.25 hours. Is this an issue with MyTime or is it something I should bring up with HR to get it fixed?
It's just a glitch that happens sometimes with shifts in multiple workcenters. I don't think it's anything that HR can fix or that they even notice it. My schedule usually looks like this:
I have one like that on the new schedule for a 10 hour shift :confused: which I didn't think they can legally schedule you over 8 hours a day (plus a lunch) but not sure on that.
I have one like that on the new schedule for a 10 hour shift :confused: which I didn't think they can legally schedule you over 8 hours a day (plus a lunch) but not sure on that.

Nothing illegal about that. It's just best practices for most people to be scheduled 8 hours.
Nothing illegal about that. It's just best practices for most people to be scheduled 8 hours.

I know some places here if you work over 8 hrs in a shift you get overtime for anything after 8 even if you aren't hitting 40 hours that week.
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