Archived Really in the restroom.(not gross)

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Nov 14, 2013

Desperate are we?
If your going to goes this far, might as well go all the way. Put them on the mirrors, all the doors front and back, put some on the hand dryer and on the toilet paper dispenser.
they probably did a remodel and those use to be guest bathrooms. We have bathrooms like that in my store and at one point they were guest bathrooms but now are located in the backroom.
Be a GSA! You could be cleaning this bathroom 8 times a shift!
I have cleaned it quite a few times - our GSA's get to grossed out to do it. They are a bunch of babies! I don't understand how women can be such slobs. When I am in the bathroom I sometimes say out loud - I wonder if their bathrooms at home are like this. It's complete disgust. How do you possibly get poop on the floor of two stalls? AND not even try to clean it up!!!!

If that sign was in my store's bathroom, I would consider writing on it - you too could be cleaning this mess.
If your going to goes this far, might as well go all the way. Put them on the mirrors, all the doors front and back, put some on the hand dryer and on the toilet paper dispenser.

Don't forget to post them in the urinals!

The restrooms in the back room at my store have signs up about contacting the manager at customer service if there's a problem with them.

We have the customer service sign in our backroom restroom too. I was shocked the first time I saw it. I would assume it used to be in one of the guest restrooms.
Why not be like chili's and have newspapers in frames on the wall?
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