Archived Recently accepted a job offer, but have an interview for another

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Jul 9, 2015
I'm waiting for my background check to process at Target, but I accepted the position as a sales floor associate right away assuming other jobs I applied for wouldn't get back to me. The other job offered me an interview next week and I supposedly have orientation at Target next Tuesday afternoon. The other place that is offering me an interview is a few minutes closer to where I live and offers substantially higher pay.

I didn't even think that other employers would contact me considering how long I had waited to hear back from different employers, so I just figured I would go with whoever would hire me first (big no-no to jump in and accept immediately--or so now I know). I know this is considered "renege" and looks really bad to potential employers, but I have not responded to the other interview offer from the job that pays more and is much closer to my home.

I have no idea what to do now. :oops:
Show up for your orientation. You don't know you'll get that other job yet, and you don't want to lose out on both jobs.

Go to your interview, see if you're offered a job. If you are, and you think its a better opportunity, take that, and put in your notice with Target. It actually happens quite a bit, and ultimately you need to make the right decision for you.
Show up for your orientation. You don't know you'll get that other job yet, and you don't want to lose out on both jobs.

Go to your interview, see if you're offered a job. If you are, and you think its a better opportunity, take that, and put in your notice with Target. It actually happens quite a bit, and ultimately you need to make the right decision for you.
Yes, it happens quite a bit
Should I mention that I was recently hired by Target during the interview (at the other job) in order to discuss hours available for work?
Leave out the part that you have another job. They don't need to know that.
["LuckyJ, post: 204193, member: 14299"]Should I mention that I was recently hired by Target during the interview (at the other job) in order to discuss hours available for work?[/QUOTE]

I would mention it only IF you want to use it as a tool to negotiate a better salary for the new job and intend to part ways with Target and just work at the other job. It will make you mire desirable to the potential employer.
You guys are always quick to answer, thanks, everyone! :)

I just had my first day of orientation with Target today and it went well. I'm working sales floor-hardlines. The other place I have an interview with (an art museum) actually called and offered me $5 more than what Target is starting me off with [hourly]. Neither of the employers know about the other though (as I haven't mentioned to Target about the other job interview I have that is).

Theoretically speaking, if the museum decides to hire me, what would be the best way to deal with leaving my job at Target?
You guys are always quick to answer, thanks, everyone! :)

I just had my first day of orientation with Target today and it went well. I'm working sales floor-hardlines. The other place I have an interview with (an art museum) actually called and offered me $5 more than what Target is starting me off with [hourly]. Neither of the employers know about the other though (as I haven't mentioned to Target about the other job interview I have that is).

Theoretically speaking, if the museum decides to hire me, what would be the best way to deal with leaving my job at Target?
More money and a unique place to work? Go for it!

Just talk to HR or any of the leaders that you have met so far (your interviewer or the person who ran orientation) and explain that you got another job offer that you will be taking, and that your first day there will be on _____.
If you get the museum job, see if they will let you start in 2 weeks. Then give Target your 2 week notice, work it, and leave gracefully with the window open to one day return.

If you get the museum job, and they need you right away, still take it, just have a meeting with the ETL-HR and be honest about what happened. Thank them for the opportunity but tell them you can't work out your 2 weeks. I'd recommend this over job abandonment.
Thanks so much! :) I'll definitely be keeping all of this info in mind!

I'm going in this evening for day 2 of training at Target and I went to my interview for the museum this morning. I think it went exceptionally well and I have a positive feeling about being offered a position there. I will keep this post updated and thank you guys again for all the help!
My first evening doing cashier training went quite well. At first I spent a good 45 minutes reading the cashiering manual/guide and shadowed 3 different cashiers who were super nice and helpful. For my first time cashiering I think I did pretty well. My "speed score" by the end of the night was at 85%. I thought I would've been a nervous wreck especially working front register because I had never cashiered in my life.

Currently, I'm starting to feel a bit guilty however. I am getting attached to my team members already and I already had a fantastic interview with the art museum earlier (neither of the jobs still know of each other) and am 90% sure they will hire me by the end of next week. Although the art museum would be a unique place to work at with 50% higher pay of what I currently earn at Target, I'm not sure of the growth/networking. Tonight I discovered that a new Target location is being built 5 minutes from where I currently live; the Target I work at now is about a 20+ minute drive in another city.

[A bit more backstory]: I'm currently an undergraduate hoping to become a pharmacist or to be able to work with medicine someday. My current idea/goal is if I can continue to work at my current Target location--I was hoping to work hard enough to gain more recognition and strong references to transfer to the new Target opening near my house this October--and to work as a pharmacy technician for actual experience in what I want to get involved with further down the road (definitely post-taking my pharmacy technician certification exam within the next 1-2 months of course). So in this moment I am beginning to question working with the art museum or to continue sticking out a few more months in sales floor then transferring to the newer/more convenient Target location to specialize in something I want to be involved in in regards to my future. I know it boils down to personal decisions at this point, but I seek feedback in regards to if I did decide to stay with Target then attempt to transfer to a new one in coming months but as a pharm tech (post certification of course; I'm not sure if this plan is "reaching for the stars" or realistic).
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Target just sold their pharmacies. You would be working for CVS.
Retail is busiest in November and December, same time as your finals. Target expects all hands on board at that time of year. School is expensive, museum pays way better. Pharmacy was sold to CVS, pending government approval. So, you won't be working for Target. May make it harder to transfer to the CVS in the new Target store once it's open. From what you have shared, seems like there is little reason to stay eith Target.
I recently accepted the job offering with the museum! :D

I do have training for hardlines closing later this evening though. Should I inform one of the HR leaders upon my arrival at training? Or should I tell an ETL-HR at the end of my training by the end of the night? I was supposed to go in for training again tomorrow evening, as well as Friday and Saturday evening of this week (Saturday was supposed to be my last day of training). My museum job wants me to start this Wednesday morning however [I did not inform the museum I was recently hired with Target].
Congrats! Wasnt sure if you intended to work both jobs? If not, give notice as soon as you get to Target this evening. HR can give you the form. Always best to give full 2 weeks notice so as not to be marked non-rehireable by Target (never know if you might need to come back some day) or get a bad reference.
Thank you :) should I still go ahead and ask for the 2 week form regardless that I start at the museum this Wednesday? Because this Saturday I will have a conflict--at the museum I am already scheduled for Saturday 10am-2pm and at Target I was supposed to go in from 12pm-8pm the same day. (I only intended to keep one job for the time being as I have been preparing for the GRE and other things grad school related on the side).
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