Archived SBTL's, talk to me about Playbook

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Sep 9, 2012
Is it dropping or has already been trained for your store? I'm a new store, and my team was trained on the Store Support role while I wasn't (I came in role after store open and the team's training). Haha guys, you got me.

It came to light that I didn't understand the SS role as well as I thought; it was an "extra" role for 3+ TM's scheduled in the department, they wore a timer for some reason, and they replaced low items. Well my most recent visit showed this to not be the case and now I've gotten the crash course in SS but I'm still lost -- what the heck am I or my team supposed to do when there's a one-person deployment? My DM is insistent that this is Position #1, not the "extra" like I thought. So... my team or myself has the timer go off and we laugh at the line of guests, flip them off, and make coffee and do a lobby slide, get items, replace ice.... all while they watch?

What do you guys do? What has your DM said? Sure, DM's don't want the one-person deployment but, c'mon. It's February.
Starbucks barista knowledge needed! Hey, @redeye58, when a get a break from cleaning out your walk in, we got some questions for us over here!
It really comes down to being able to multi-task on orders/brewing.
The timer is for coffee (fresh every 30) but we don't always wear ours. We DO keep a basket filter ground & ready so we can brew one when the timer goes off. In between guests, I may glance at the timer to see if I need to get the airpot open.
That being said, GUESTS COME FIRST. Coffee can brew while you're doing espresso drinks/teas/frapps but you don't want to let a pot sit too long (nasty).
It's a lot more complicated if you're brewing more than one type. Hi-vol stores in our area have as many as four types depending on the current promotion. Trying to keep up with the sequence is like juggling grenades.
If you have a slowdown, grind & set a basket ready so you can start a fresh brew with minimal effort even during a rush. If a guest walks up, smile over your shoulder & tell 'em "Hi! I'll be right with you!"
Unless there's a major spill, empty creamers, empty cold case you can let the lobby duties slide during a slam. Our FATMs are great at helping clean cafe if we're slammed. We've also been cross-training our FATMs for SB (& vice versa) over time; helps with scheduling & allows both sides to pick up shifts during lean times (like now).
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