Archived Should I file an injury report?

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Aug 23, 2014
I'm always in the line in the mornings during the unload, and we have already told our TL that we need more people to help us with the line, so I've had to push myself to my limits where sometimes I've had to several lift heavy boxes and other stuff that I've started to have these sharp lower back pains (lumbar).

Ever since last weekend the pain has been bad that it actually hurts when I'm laying on my bed sleeping or bending over. I already notified my TL's about it and they moved me to another section of the line that's not as strenuous and heavy. Last days at worked with very little mobility, just so it doesn't hurt me that much.

I went to a chiro today, and said that indeed it's a little injury with rest, some analgesics, ointments , lifting correctly (squating) and using a support belt I should be fine. He mentioned I should file a report.

I've never done this before. Will filing the report affect me somehow with performance, hours, or anything?
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I've literally been in your shoes before. Notify your management team ASAP and get the proper paperwork started as soon as possible. The later you wait, the worse case for any type of compensation from Spot.
Bad news is you are going to "feel" like your ready to work and want to "rush" back to work but they will only "clear" you when you're doctors give them the OK. Workers compensation is going to be a "bitch" and a half as you won't see any "payment" until THEY have reviewed Everything!!
It's a very, very LONG process on the road to recovery, but take it from someone who has traveled down that road, my health is WAY more important than a few dollars. And I do have to give it to Spot, in the end, they covered All expenses. So it was a win for everyone. Your Health First!! Always remember that!! Good luck!!
Man, hell yeah.

If I was you I'd come in with a limp and a neck brace. I'd be selling it like crazy.
Man, hell yeah.

If I was you I'd come in with a limp and a neck brace. I'd be selling it like crazy.
Sell it like crazy until somebody decides to call your bluff. Also, your signature would make more sense as "Work Smart AND Hard". Just sayin'.
Sell it like crazy until somebody decides to call your bluff. Also, your signature would make more sense as "Work Smart AND Hard". Just sayin'.

Oh no. Smart work, not hard work is the strategy. Smart work AND hard work goes against everything I stand for while being employed by target.

Smart work = do as little as I can, while appearing to work hard. Think of creative ways to do my job as poorly as possible without people catching on.
Not hard work = self explanatory. I do no want to exert myself while working a dead end job. I'm basically here to collect a paycheck and leave.
Smart work = do as little as I can, while appearing to work hard. Think of creative ways to do my job as poorly as possible without people catching on.
Not hard work = self explanatory. I do no want to exert myself while working a dead end job. I'm basically here to collect a paycheck and leave.
Or you can be NOT a stonebag and actually do both.
Any strain or injury on the clock needs to be reported when your performance is affected.

But getting popped by a small amount of hot popcorn oil. Maybe not.
I would defintely file a report. I use to work in healthcare before spot and one day when transfering patient i herinated a disc. Even though i reported it immediately and followed all the treatment they kept telling me it was a strain when it wasnt, plus they sent me back to work full duty before i should have been and the herinated disc was made even worse BUT the kicker was my employer had just changed workers compensation companies and i ended up in several year legal battle fighting over which company legally had to pay for my medical treatment and a judge had to step in. It took 3 years to finally even be able to get the fusion surgery i needed and now i have permanent nerve damage as well as 4 levels above my fusion herinated. Is that going to happen to you? No but my point is your health is important and if you get hurt at work then absolutely you should immediately make sure that your supervisor fills out the report and you go ahead to the workers compensation pannel dr and take care of yourself. You will have to follow whatever guidelines are set in your state but ultimately your health is the most important.
I'm always in the line in the mornings during the unload, and we have already told our TL that we need more people to help us with the line, so I've had to push myself to my limits where sometimes I've had to several lift heavy boxes and other stuff that I've started to have these sharp lower back pains (lumbar).

Ever since last weekend the pain has been bad that it actually hurts when I'm laying on my bed sleeping or bending over. I already notified my TL's about it and they moved me to another section of the line that's not as strenuous and heavy. Last days at worked with very little mobility, just so it doesn't hurt me that much.

I went to a chiro today, and said that indeed it's a little injury with rest, some analgesics, ointments , lifting correctly (squating) and using a support belt I should be fine. He mentioned I should file a report.

I've never done this before. Will filing the report affect me somehow with performance, hours, or anything?
Having had lower back surgery a year ago, and being off work for a year I'd say yes you should. Mine started from picking up some clothes on the floor, and I'm sure it was a culmination of work and School activities with heavy lifting years prior. Even if it is just a pulled muscle if it kept progressing it could lead to more serious issues. Rest is your number one priority, and of it was work related you need to get paid for the rest and medical attention
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