Archived Should I talk to my HR about not feeling comfortable at TC?

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May 7, 2015
This is my third week at Target Cafe and I've had it lol. I know this is not a job I feel comfortable at. I quit my last job because I was dealing with food and I just don't feel right working here. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my Target. Everyone is so sweet and it's so positive but I can't take it anymore. I wouldn't mind working in a different position but just not Target Cafe. Should I talk to her later?
New hire! But I applied for Starbucks and they put me in TC bc apparently they hired someone forbstarbucks but really didn't. It's all okay though because my ETL told me that he will probably schedule me for some cashier shifts and my supervisor as well told me that in about 2 weeks, I will train for Starbucks!
If you don't like it and it's a matter of staying at target I would talk with hr, most of the time cashiers are the most needed so they most likely won't have a problem putting you as a cashier. Be careful what you wish for though because cashier sucks due to red cards and the annoyance of having them shove green conversion down your throat...
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