Archived Smells

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Sep 28, 2016
I read an article a few weeks ago, while I was still employed with Target, about how retailers (Target was mentioned) use smells to increase sales, create an ambiance, promote relaxation, etc. It was described as some sort of air freshener or machine which gives off certain scents. I've never heard, seen, or smelled anything like this in any of the stores I've worked in or shopped at. Then again, I think the point of it is subliminal so perhaps I smelled it and didn't consciously know it?

Does anyone know anything like this actually existing at Target? Maybe it's one of the cart attendant duties, to refill the scent maker?
Well. . .our numbet one complaint is our store smells like pee. . .but we still make sales sooooo *shrug*
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I've read similar articles, and it seemed to imply department-specific scents. Fresh bread and florals were specifically mentioned, as I recall.
The only scent I've ever noticed or heard guests comment on is the popcorn from the cafe.
Abercrombie and Fitch.... absolutely sticks. Not sure if it's from the fragrances they sell or the have a machine pumping that out
Oh jesus yes. I have to avoid their storefronts like the plague because of my allergies and asthma.
Only smell I get in our grocery aisles are the smell of coffee! And imagine the smell when a box of broth burst off on your aisle!!!
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