Archived SO- Help on a notice?

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Aug 3, 2014
I know, I know! I barely made it two weeks! BUT my former supervisor at an old job is becoming store manager at our old store and offered me a position! I know the store and the job like the back of my hand and I'll be making more than at Target.


How do you write a notice for a company that you've only been at for 2 weeks? I need to turn it in today when I go in. Any help would be appreciated! :)
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Volunteer?? Termination form located in TMSC. Must be turned in before the 2week schedule is started. So basically 3 weeks. If you leave without notice, you run the chances of being non-hireable.
Just ask your HR Team for a voluntary termination form. It is recommended to complete all your scheduled shifts. Having the option to return is a good thing even if you think you never will!
Make sure you have the job secured then submit a volunteer termination form. HR will work with you. You can either be honest or make something up. Can't blame someone for getting a better paying job.
Thanks everyone! Also- what is the likely hood that they will tell me not to come the last week? (They will have me in softlines cross training, which I've never done) I just want to be aware of the possibility.
Depends on the need in your store. If your are already on the schedule it is very likely you will be working. Feel free to ask since its training. They may choose to bank those hours or use them for something else.
If those were training hours you were assigned, you should be able to get out of them easily (since why train you when you're leaving?) Everything else, it is at the discretion of your HR. It also depends on WHEN you turn your notice in. For instance, in my store, if you turned in your notice today, they would try their dangest to NOT put you on the new schedule that they're writing, so you probably would only have to work out this week and next week. And, if you're generally a good employee and are nice, they might help you find people to cover the shifts that you do have left.
I don't mind working them- not trying to put anyone in a bind, just wondering if they'd just let me go. I didn't plan on leaving so soon!- I really want to get it put in today so they don't schedule me for the next schedule!
Put your shifts on the swap shift board, TMs may take them all and then you're in the clear
I just feel kind of bad because they spent the time and resources necessary to get me going and trained. I mean this job just literally fell into my lap!
It's probably best to GTFO ASAP, honestly. If other people are short on hours and want yours, let them have 'em. At two weeks in, you're still new enough that you'll need a lot of help- giving up your remaining shifts saves your fellow TMs from having to train and assist you, and someone who can pull their full weight can get extra hours. Plus you can start sooner at the higher paying gig. win-win
So do I just say this is going to be my last week? Or am I obligated to fulfill the two weeks?
You're responsible for all your scheduled shifts- make sure they all get covered before you peace out.
Thanks! I'm just going to finish out my shifts! Plus Labor Day will give me time and a half!
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