Archived So, I got a taste of working Freight/Sales floor today.

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Jul 24, 2016
It's what I originally tried to hire as, but was told it wasn't in need. Well, today the store had about 5 cashiers (4 + me) and it wasn't very busy at all, so I got put on various floor projects... and I absolutely loved it. I wish I was stuck doing that instead of cashiering. I helped a family of guests find a toy for their nephew, I worked as a TEAM with a guy named Scott and his TL Steve. I learned quite a bit in that short 20 minutes before I got picked up to go stock some shelves in the toy section and then about 30 minutes later I got called to the check lanes and remained there all day.

So, I was just wondering, what's the next step? The ETL/LOD(I honestly have NO idea what her title is) told me the store needs workers like me and I couldn't find her after my shift and I had to get running because my ride had an appointment. My truck's steering box broke this morning so I had to rush to work with a friend :(.

I'd really like to start doing what I did for about an hour today as the entirety of my job. It was physical, I could help guests out more personally than just ringing up and handling their money. I just got past my 60 days on the 1st of August, but I was hoping if the demand was high enough I'd just be transferred out. I've gotten a few redcards to show as proof as well. Who should I contact? Was thinking of just calling our store operator and asking if I could speak to the lady who put me on these tasks and do a little discussing with her. Thanks everyone.
You have to speak to your TL / ETL to move workcenters, but it shouldn't be too hard to pull a cashier for harder positions in the store. If you prove valuable, they'll try hard to slide you elsewhere.
Talk with that TL first to express interest. They should talk with their ETL and you should talk with yours. If all goes well, you'll have a couple days of training just to assure you learn all the basics and you'll change workcenters.
And thus another cashier gets a taste of sales floor freedom
I got asked to do reshop and zoning a few days ago, and the GSA asked me where else I'd be interested in working at the store. It was such a wonderful experience.
I got asked to do reshop and zoning a few days ago, and the GSA asked me where else I'd be interested in working at the store. It was such a wonderful experience.
For real

That taste of freedom is incredible and I got my hardlines shift on accident which led to me realising I'm so much better on the floor and got me my current Electronics position where leaderships loves me
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