Archived softlines flow...

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Oct 16, 2013
ok ive been working flow on softline for over 3 months now. we are an ulv store so we have a small team. for everything but ive always had at least one other person helping me with softline truck threw the hole processes. recently thing have changed. im now doing unload buy my self. then someone comes form hardlines truck and helps me sort and push out softlines till ll45 (flow takes breaks at noon and is supposed to be done buy 2) which then who ever is helping me gose to plan o or price change. most days this is ok but some other days their is a lot to be worked. also im constantly running for backing up at the front lanes and food ave. is this normal or am i getting shaffed?
holy crap im super lucky if i get second person for the hole time. just sucks because i have to respond to back ups all the time because im the closets. befor i just did not take a walki when i went on the floor but then my etl said i have to have it to back up. nobody else on flow except flows team lead has a walki.
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