Archived Starting the journey towards TL

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Nov 30, 2015
Hey guys and gals. So I've been working at target for almost a year be a half now and I just want to say.... I love it. My first year I was strictly cart attendant. I never had any issues with guests, team members, or the work in general.
About 3/4 of the way through my first year, I expressed interest in cross training to different areas, and nothing ever really happened. So a few months after that, after the SrTl at guest service recommended it, I asked our STL about training in electronics. Lo and behold, I was given shifts on the floor in hard lines so that I could get used to the floor before moving to electronics. As of now, I've been working exclusively in electronics and about two weeks ago I was given the official promotion to an electronics team member. Even though I just recently got the official promotion, I've been working in electronics for a few months.
Okay so now onto my current dilemma. I want to be a team lead. I've always been interested in a lead position, even since I was cart attendant. I'm currently in college working towards a degree in criminal justice. My dream position is to be an ETL with a focus in AP. My current plan of action is to hopefully get TL, SrTL, then make the move to ETL (if I'm not completely burned out by then haha). I have a very good relationship with all of the ETL's and the STL most of all. They've all given me positive feedback and (to my knowledge) view me as a good/hard worker. Yesterday I asked my STL for information about the ETL internship program and he is looking into more information for me.
So with all that being said, is there any advice for my situation? Should I continue with my current "plan"? I feel like I'm jumping the gun asking about a TL position this early into my sales floor experience but then again I'm not too sure. Any words of advice or what I should do next are welcome. Thanks!
You're on the right track! Keep on doing what you're doing. Have you already mentioned to your STL that you want to be a TL and not just jump from TM to ETL?
You're on the right track! Keep on doing what you're doing. Have you already mentioned to your STL that you want to be a TL and not just jump from TM to ETL?

No I have not. I'm kind of on the fence about doing that yet because I still sort of feel like I'm jumping the gun a little bit but that might just be me. Also, I feel a little weird doing it because one of our electronics team members has been there since I was first hired as cart attendent. He's my age and he hasn't made any attempts at moving up at all yet but I still feel weird trying to get TL over someone who has more experience in the area than me.
No I have not. I'm kind of on the fence about doing that yet because I still sort of feel like I'm jumping the gun a little bit but that might just be me. Also, I feel a little weird doing it because one of our electronics team members has been there since I was first hired as cart attendent. He's my age and he hasn't made any attempts at moving up at all yet but I still feel weird trying to get TL over someone who has more experience in the area than me.
Ok you're thinking too much. Just go for it if you want it. You're not jumping the gun. All you're doing is getting your foot in the door by making your goals clear.
Hmm so a little great advice if you are not doing great in class when you move up. take time off trust me it's hard being a tl and going to school full time
Ok you're thinking too much. Just go for it if you want it. You're not jumping the gun. All you're doing is getting your foot in the door by making your goals clear.

I agree with blueside. Not everyone wants to be a team lead. I was a tm for two years before I decided to go for it after saying no numerous times.
one piece of advice that no one has brought up. don't take their word that they want to promote you and things will work out. etl's are on rotations, and stl's can leave at any time. new people could be under orders like i don't care what they did/working on/developing, just pick who you want off a 5 min conversation.
No I have not. I'm kind of on the fence about doing that yet because I still sort of feel like I'm jumping the gun a little bit but that might just be me. Also, I feel a little weird doing it because one of our electronics team members has been there since I was first hired as cart attendent. He's my age and he hasn't made any attempts at moving up at all yet but I still feel weird trying to get TL over someone who has more experience in the area than me.
If you want it you have to let him worry about his own chances. I've got tms who opened my store who are begged to be tls who just don't want it.
You gotta do what's right for you can't feel bad for applying over someone who's been there longer they might not want it and if they do o well can't worry about others
If he wants to become an ETL, he might have a better shot going through the internship. Unless his store and district are awesome about promotions, they may put him through the whole carrot-and-stick routine.
yea hopefully they are not lying to him and making false promises to get his hopes up.
"they may put him through the whole carrot-and-stick routine." do they actually tell New ETLs to do this to people?
"they may put him through the whole carrot-and-stick routine." do they actually tell New ETLs to do this to people?

I don't think they tell them straight out but I'm pretty sure that there are suggestions on 'motivation' than the bad stores carry it to that extreme.
It's good to challenge those that are trying to improve and do more but it's not meant to have them work harder just because. That's extremely cruel and horrible leadership.
No I have not. I'm kind of on the fence about doing that yet because I still sort of feel like I'm jumping the gun a little bit but that might just be me. Also, I feel a little weird doing it because one of our electronics team members has been there since I was first hired as cart attendent. He's my age and he hasn't made any attempts at moving up at all yet but I still feel weird trying to get TL over someone who has more experience in the area than me.
I wouldn't feel sorry. Unless your store is completely f'ed up and never even gave him a chance to think about TL position, you have no reasons to feel sorry. You need to follow and fulfill your ambitions. Usually if you're interested in TL they will tell you what the expectations are in order for you to be considered as a TL, they will tell you what are your strengths and what are your opportunities.
Work hard and don't EVER put your development on hold because you feel sorry for someone.
Keep shining!!
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