Archived Store to Corporate

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Apr 24, 2015
I'm not sure if I'm posting under the right forum for this and I know this question is probably better suited for my STL but I'm going to ask on here before giving it further thought. Anyways I was curious if anyone knows about going from an ETL, or any level of Store Operations, and moving over to the Corporate side of Target. There is no specific area I'm looking at but I think it is definitely a good consideration and I wanted to seek out information if anyone has some to offer.
Relocating is no issue if that's what you're wondering
From another thread:
I just found this very interesting news story online.
Is Target headed in the right direction ??

here are the highlights:

Dozens of new Target hires just learned they won't be getting the job after all. This happens a lot more than any of us in thejob market even realize.

Target hired about 40 people in August and September. People in that group spent the fall giving notice to current employers, leaving jobs, moving from out of state and buying homes in the Twin Cities, only to get a phone call two weeks prior to reporting for work that their job offers were rescinded.

Target added that those offered relocation allowances were able to keep those funds.

READ the whole story and watch the local news report here: Target Corp. rescinds dozens of job offers

here is my opinion:
So you can keep the money they paid you to pack up and move your entire family to cold ass Minneapolis.
What about the time and effort to move an entire household of stuff and get the kids into a new school.

WTF this is just wrong wrong wrong.

qmosqueen, Jan 9, 2015
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