Archived Store Transfer to DC. Short Term Disability. FMLA.

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Nov 1, 2014
Hi. I recently transferred to the Distribution Center after working nearly three years at one of the stores. About a month before the transfer I started having discomfort on my right side under my rib. My budget was short working at the store so I haven't gone to the doctor yet. I've just received my insurance from the D.C. so I plan to get things all sorted out. All my symptoms point toward gallstones and gall bladder issues.

I was wondering if I would be eligible for Short Term Disability and if my job would be protected if I had to have surgery and take time off. I am unsure at what point they offer insurance to "new" employees and whether or not my time with the store and the D.C. all counts together. I am worried if worst case happens and I need surgery that I could be denied FMLA or Short Term since I am still with in my "90 days" and could possibly be fired for it.

Thanks for any insight you guys could share. I thought I would try here before contacting the official Target channels.
Yeah, call HR immediately. If you got insurance through the DC, you should be out of your 90 days, cause they don't offer it to you otherwise. DC HR tends to be forgiving when it comes to FMLA. Also, not to be a jerk, but I've heard gallstones rank up there with natural childbirth and passing kidney stones in terms of pain, so I'd probably go prioritize that, like right now.
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