Archived Swapped shifts for tomorrow but not changed on schedule?

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Nov 13, 2014
I switched shifts with another cashier so she took mine and I took hers. When I left work today nothing was marked at all and now I checked online and nothing has changed. I don't see why the switch wouldn't be approved because our shifts are almost the same length and neither of us would go over 40 hours. We just put them on the board yesterday. Were we supposed to mention it to the lod or what? We both should be fine as long as we show up to each other's shift right? I don't know how it works and now I'm nervous in case she doesn't show up to my original shift (opening cashier). If she doesn't show up would I be a no call no show? I will be coming in 2 1/2 hours later than my orignial shift.
Yeah, you're supposed to inform the LOD whenever you take a shift on the swap board, so they can a) make sure you can actually take the shift, and b) change the schedule. They usually don't bother to check it otherwise.
If they do show up for your opening shift, then one of the morning LODs will just have to punch them in and fix it/have HR fix it from there.
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