Archived Team member returns?

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Jun 14, 2016
Can a team member get in trouble for returning items constantly? I always find myself buying things and returning them. For example, an Apple Watch, digital camera, Fitbit, an Xbox.. I try them out and end up regretting it since they're pricey and not really a necessity. So I return them. I always have the packaging and receipt as well but I was wondering if I can get in trouble for this?
That kind of money Xboxes and Apple watches yeah you need to damn sure when you spend like that.

You shouldn't but the returns might be looked at.
I bought a TV Black Friday because there were a few left at the end of my shift, and I thought "fuck it", I'll make myself happy.

I took it home and it wouldn't turn on, tried different batteries and everything... Feeling cheap skated by the company I work for (not that this isn't nearly a daily event) I went back 45min later to return it, because I figured it would be the best time to return as there was noooooooo line... No questions asked, just a couple jokes about "wtf target, why are you selling me broken stuff".

Besides, I know how much money my store makes that day, and I know it would hurt me much more not to return it.
I return a lot(my spending habits are bad and I am working on them), not as much anymore thankfully because I am pretty sure my AP was starting to take notice. Everything I return is unused and able to resell(except for the occasional defective item) most of the time the items don't even make it out of my car. I know a couple of TMs that do "bad" returns and I don't think I'd have the balls for it but none of them have ever gotten in trouble so I guess our AP doesn't really monitor/care that hard.
AP will be watching electronic items, we used to have quite a few TM's swapping products out. Buying the new Xbox, and putting an old Xbox in its place, same with baby cams, etc.
It was an Online order...there was no package...and it's broken...can I i exchange it for another?

I believe so. As long as everything that came with the Team Member is still in the box. Let's see... do you have the name tag with the TM's mispelled name, broken PDA, forced smile, cold/dead heart for having to work at Target for so long, walkie with makeshift antenna, and the broken voice box that won't stop offering redcards?
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