Archived The furniture reset from hell

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Instocks TM
Jun 28, 2011
So the new furniture reset has some really nice looking side tables and decorative tables.... They have the pretty accent cabinets (the ones with glass fronts) in like three different colors now. This whole aisle is called "grab and go". Those accent cabinets are prebuilt and are on the shelf so each time a guests want one you have to go get a flat or a tub and wheel it up. Then when it would pull in the cafs the tm would have to unbox that sucker and put a new one on a shelf This is so much more work for us than having a display of it and having the guest be able to take a box and put it in their cart. Our hours are cut so bad do they realize how much time this will add to the process so less work will get done during a shift. What were they thinking.
At least they're pre-assembled. Actually, I'd like that job.
Except for people who don't want the "displays." Can't tell you how often I hear that with some of the already pre-assembled furniture or bikes or whatnot.
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