Archived Timetable

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Aug 10, 2014
So I've been developing for a couples months now, my project was to captain back to school. My etl hr and stl said I wasn't being sent for interviews until that was over so once I pass interviews what's my time table look like to be placed in a store?
It all really depends. In my store we have had people on the bench for 2 months and others a week. Just depends on the openings in your district.
So when I'm on the bench what happens? Like how will they find out when a position is open ?
I'll have no issue passing them. I prepped last year but decided to go back to school. And my dtl loves me already.
I don't know about your district, but your district is bloated with TL's/benched TL's since all the cuts in AE14. We had a benched TL wait over six months for a spot, and another benched TL waited about that long as well. But, our ETL-HR keeps truckin' TM's through interviews because it looks good for development and all. I just hope those TM's understand that even if they pass interviews, it may be a VERY long time before they actually get a position. So they might be busting butt for their lower paygrade for a really long time.
Yeah, with the cuts from AE 14, I wouldn't expect a position quickly. Lots of stores had TL positions to cut so more positions opening isn't likely right away (unless TL turnover is high where you are). The same goes for ETL positions. I think ETLs may quit more often than some TLs because my store has had several new ETLs this summer who already have their assignments for when they are done with training.
Don't worry so much on time. Keep your energy up, positive, and consistent. In my store we (along with most stores in our district) are over on at least 2 heads and we have a person who wants to be a TL but is going about it in an aggressive way that is not impressive in any way. We don't think she knows about the gravity of the ae14 cuts and if she did, she'd probably just be negative and create bad juju atmosphere around her.
Keep a good reputation. Build on your strengths and clear your weaknesses. When you get to TL, all that working out will be a great help considering the stress of being a TL.
So when I'm on the bench what happens? Like how will they find out when a position is open ?
Just focus on passing the interviews first.

This. Don't get ahead of yourself, make sure you prep so you can bring your A-Game (because your DTL certainly will.)

After you get on the bench, you sit and wait for a team leader to either quit or get termed. You'll probably talk to your ETL-HR and STL after you pass and they'll give you a "brand" version of what I just said above. When they talk to you and tell you that you passed (hopefully you do), that's when you should bring up your willingness to relocate. If you've brought it up before, bring it up again. Have stores, locations, and cities in mind. That way, they can reach out and see if there's anything they think you'd be a good fit for. :)
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