Archived TL and TM relations?

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Oct 17, 2015
Is it acceptable for TLs to go with TMs to outings after work such as eating and drinking establishments? Is this acceptable in any capacity, with or without alcohol? What about ETLs? Anybody heard of a TL or ETL getting in trouble for this?
I go out with my GSA to the bar sometimes and I think the SrTL has gone before if it's before/after hours there really shouldn't be any problems
There was a big group of us that used to go out... 6 - 8 team members and a team lead. He was in a different department though. No issues.
ASANTS, but ETLs at my store have avoided being near groups of TMs that have ended up at the same bar. They won't accept us purchasing a drink for them or anything. I don't think there's an official policy on it beyond engaging in romantic/physical relationships with a supervisor.
When I worked restaurants the crews would routinely go out drinking together after shifts.
There were issues with this including the bosses sleeping with the staff but restaurants are a different animal than retail.
They are much tighter and the stress level is different (not worse, just different).

That said, a mature and intelligent boss and team should be able to go out and have the occasional social event together.
However, from what I've seen those two words don't seem to apply too often to the stores across the country.
TLs & TMs are not banned from interacting off the clock. TLs & TMs are also not banned from dating one another as long as that team member is in a different work center then the TL they are dating unless it is AP or HR. This can also change depending on the store when it comes to Sr TLs dating TMs. ETLs are not supposed to interact and go out with TLs or TMs off the clock but most do with people they trust. It is inevitable you will build a relationship with people you are with at least 40 hours a week regardless of their position. To think that you will not have relationships/friendships off the clock is an oversight & unrealistic expectation by Target.
So, are AP team member not allowed (technically) to be friends with, or associate with, non-AP team members?
There is nothing against AP associating or being friends with non AP team members they just can't date anyone located at the same store they are posted at.
Some people in the AP world try and get you to keep your distance from other team members because at some point those people you are spending time with could become the subject in an investigation and they need to be able to trust that you won't disclose any information to them but it is not technically against company policy so you have every right to tell them that...
That is what I thought, but someone from another store told me I couldn't meet with my friends at the store for our weekly D&D group. I told them to politely fuck off.
That's a eiffy situation. If there was ever a Investgation on one of your TM friends...and say it led to a internal app. It could be a mess in court.
That's a eiffy situation. If there was ever a Investgation on one of your TM friends...and say it led to a internal app. It could be a mess in court.
I don't see how it would lead to a messy situation in court, but I could see it being a conflict of interest in an internal investigation. The difference is that I know myself well enough that I'm not going to compromise my future career over someone who's betraying my trust by stealing from the store.
And I am pretty sure that none of the remaining group (2/6, myself not included, are still at Spot. The rest have moved on, or in the process of doing so) would ever steal from an employer.
I think it depends on what is being done. As long as the TM and TL are from different departments I think it is ok but I don't see any thing appropriate about hanging out with any of the ETLs outside of work.
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