Archived TL not giving review on time, penalties?

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Jun 10, 2011
My TL decided to go on a cruise this week so he won't be able to give reviews. Regardless of how unprofessional that is...he arranged a HL TL to give the reviews for him. one can find them.
Th HR never got them emailed to her and there are no hard copies.

They're due tomorrow. He doesn't get back until monday, I was wondering if there are going to be any repercussions for him.
For going on vacation? No. For misplacing/losing confidential files? I'd think so.

Regardless, just b/c he's a TL and it's review time, he should still be allowed to go on vacation... the fact that you seem angry about it is quite ridiculous IMO.
For going on vacation? No. For misplacing/losing confidential files? I'd think so.

Regardless, just b/c he's a TL and it's review time, he should still be allowed to go on vacation... the fact that you seem angry about it is quite ridiculous IMO.

Yes, actually expecting the person who wrote my review to be there in person to justify it and answer any of my questions is completely ridiculous.
Yes, actually expecting the person who wrote my review to be there in person to justify it and answer any of my questions is completely ridiculous.

don't feel bad, your review probably didn't mean much to begin with. Your teamleader most likely diluted a bunch of regurgitated mickey mouse bullsquash, and made a few personalized comments to give it a meaningful effect. Who cares who delivers the lipservice to you?
Yes, actually expecting the person who wrote my review to be there in person to justify it and answer any of my questions is completely ridiculous.

God forbid your TL be a human being and need time to himself to relax and unwind. Maybe he should clear it with you when he needs to go to the bathroom, you may have a time sensitive question.
Who cares as long as you get it! Sometimes we have to have other TLs do our reviews because our team alignments are so huge. However, I make sure that I personally give reviews to all my top people and all my troublemakers/poor performers.
Last yr my review was so late that I saw my quarter raise on my paycheck, did the math & knew what my rating was before my TL gave it to me. He was surprised (& disappointed) that I'd figured it out.
I'd been in cash office long enough to do math in my head.
don't feel bad, your review probably didn't mean much to begin with. Your teamleader most likely diluted a bunch of regurgitated mickey mouse bullsquash, and made a few personalized comments to give it a meaningful effect. Who cares who delivers the lipservice to you?

hey now, dont lump us all together. i spent a lot of time on my reviews and make notes on my business walks every 2 weeks that i transfer into the review so i can remember how awesome my team is. 🙂
Yes, actually expecting the person who wrote my review to be there in person to justify it and answer any of my questions is completely ridiculous.

Is he going on vacation and never coming back? Will you never see this person again?

Do you need him to explain the reason why you only received an E on "Uses the correct tools and equipment"?

I'm just kidding. He should totally cancel his vacation plans to be there to explain the reason why you only got a .17 cent raise instead of a .22.
Not getting your review from your TL so he can go on vacation is not a big deal... I don't think the TMs understand how truely stressful and busy we are... We need time off too! At least we plan it ahead and don't call-out to get the days we want! As long as your not being let go, take your E peacefully.
I agree with Peon. Tls have known when the reviews were to be given 2 months ago. Everyone had a window of over 2 weeks to make sure the reviews could be delivered. A team member has every reason to expect that the person evaluating him for the year will be the one giving the review so they can ask questions as to the reasoning. Otherwise why not just hand the copy to the team member and let them read it for themselves. It really is a matter of respecting your team IMO.
I agree with Peon. Tls have known when the reviews were to be given 2 months ago. Everyone had a window of over 2 weeks to make sure the reviews could be delivered. A team member has every reason to expect that the person evaluating him for the year will be the one giving the review so they can ask questions as to the reasoning. Otherwise why not just hand the copy to the team member and let them read it for themselves. It really is a matter of respecting your team IMO.

You don't really seem to understand how the process works.... More than likely this TL had the review ready a few weeks ago. The problem is, after they write it then it goes to the ETL-HR/STL for review. That is where the hold up usually is. The ETL-HR/STL literally have to screen every single review to make sure nothing was written that could get Target in to trouble. (for example, some idiot TL writes something like "You do good for a black guy") This is almost always where the hold up is. Depending on how busy the ETL-HR/STL are it can sometimes take 2-4 weeks for them to actually screen and approve every review. (remember, the reviews have to be read and signed on the signature lines by BOTH the ETL-HR and STL)

Just pretend your store has 100 TMs. That means ETL-HR/STL both have to seperately read 100 reviews while sitting there thinking "hmm... is this way this is worded going to get us in legal trouble?" Plus they are checking for any other problems such as TL not being specific enough, missed a check box, etc. Any problems they find have to be returned to the TL to fix, then they have to check the review again. Plus they are still responsible for everything else they normally have to do in their normal days work. And yes, ETL-HR and STL take this *very* seriously. They are officially signing the review paper. That means if they slip up and "you do good for a black guy" hidden on page 4 on Sams review slips through the cracks, guess what? ETL-HR and STL both are fired instantly and target gets a major law suit.

So please stop blaming TLs for every single thing. Usually they are the only leaders in the building that are actually on the ball - the problems is most TMs just don't understand what goes on behind the scenes.
OP is an immature little *****. I hate to be 'that person' and say this, no wait, I don't. OP you need to grow the **** up. You honestly want the guy to get in trouble for taking some time off and not going over a copy paste effective review for you? How ****ing childish can you be? You are probably that TM who works half ass, always gossips, tries to challenge every task given and whines constantly. I could be wrong but your immaturity is showing through and makes for a perfect match. You'll get in the review and challenge every little ****ing check mark because you are a trouble maker. I would performance you out so damn fast and make you hate every single god damn minute you were there.

tldr - grow the **** up and be happy with your E *****
OP is an immature little *****. I hate to be 'that person' and say this, no wait, I don't. OP you need to grow the **** up. You honestly want the guy to get in trouble for taking some time off and not going over a copy paste effective review for you? How ****ing childish can you be? You are probably that TM who works half ass, always gossips, tries to challenge every task given and whines constantly. I could be wrong but your immaturity is showing through and makes for a perfect match. You'll get in the review and challenge every little ****ing check mark because you are a trouble maker. I would performance you out so damn fast and make you hate every single god damn minute you were there.

tldr - grow the **** up and be happy with your E *****

Wow you really are a jerk... Calm the hell down dude... Get off the roid-rage and relax... maybe smoke a bowl and get your head together? Sheesh you are wound up tighter than a monkey's nuts bro...
Stateoftarget as always a well presented and clearly written post.
Thank you.

Stupid rules,
Having a bad day?
Agreed. You sound like the 300 lb guest ran over both your feet with the electric cart.

Yes, TLs do the majority of the leg-work & many have a LOT of reviews to do but - when you're at the bottom & every little thing counts - some TMs take that once-a-year chance seriously.
Yeah ****ty day, guess was bothered more than I thought. Going through remodel, guest loudly cussed me out at check lanes claiming I am on drugs and can't get laid, found out a couple of peer review scores, double standards between work centers...could go on and on. **** it
Since Hardlinesmaster isn't at the bar tonight, I'm passing the beers.
Sounds like we all could use one (or two, or three....).
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Since Hardlinesmaster isn't at the bar tonight, I'm passing the beers.
Sounds like we all could use one (or two, or three....).

/me passes one over to stupid rules.
Considering what kind of week it's been, getting seriously plowed right now seems like a good option.
Maybe a couple of Irish Car Bombs to get things started.
I agree with Peon. Tls have known when the reviews were to be given 2 months ago. Everyone had a window of over 2 weeks to make sure the reviews could be delivered. A team member has every reason to expect that the person evaluating him for the year will be the one giving the review so they can ask questions as to the reasoning. Otherwise why not just hand the copy to the team member and let them read it for themselves. It really is a matter of respecting your team IMO.

"The person evaluating him for the year" is every single leader in the building. For everyone that doesn't know: your rating was not determined by only your TL. Every leader in your work center sits down and rates everyone. Honestly, it's more common for "your" TL to fight for a higher rating for you, but it usually won't happen. So to the OP and everyone else who thinks "their" TL should be the one to give the review: whoever delivers the review knows exactly how you've been performing.

As far as if he will get in trouble -- no. He submitted those reviews to HR for review in March. If the ETL-HR can't find them then it's on her.
i don't know to be fair, even though the op could be considered "whiny" a lot of the team leaders who replied sound like they are in over their heads and can't handle the core duties of their job. I realize though that target probably has a lot of stupid road blocks that makes a teamlead job difficult, however. But seriously, if you can't proof read a review for "does a great job for a black guy" in under 5 to 10 minutes, maybe there is something wrong.

And also "idiot executive teamleaders" at my store have been notorious for making off hand comments exactly like that, and they always seem to keep their jobs even after complaints are made. It's definately not so cut and dry that a comment like that is made and target immediately fires people that are hard to replace and will immediately have to pay millions in a lawsuit.
OP is an immature little *****. I hate to be 'that person' and say this, no wait, I don't. OP you need to grow the **** up. You honestly want the guy to get in trouble for taking some time off and not going over a copy paste effective review for you? How ****ing childish can you be? You are probably that TM who works half ass, always gossips, tries to challenge every task given and whines constantly. I could be wrong but your immaturity is showing through and makes for a perfect match. You'll get in the review and challenge every little ****ing check mark because you are a trouble maker. I would performance you out so damn fast and make you hate every single god damn minute you were there.

tldr - grow the **** up and be happy with your E *****

I really liked the delivery of this rant, although I can't really agree with the message!
OP is an immature little *****. I hate to be 'that person' and say this, no wait, I don't. OP you need to grow the **** up. You honestly want the guy to get in trouble for taking some time off and not going over a copy paste effective review for you? How ****ing childish can you be? You are probably that TM who works half ass, always gossips, tries to challenge every task given and whines constantly. I could be wrong but your immaturity is showing through and makes for a perfect match. You'll get in the review and challenge every little ****ing check mark because you are a trouble maker. I would performance you out so damn fast and make you hate every single god damn minute you were there.

tldr - grow the **** up and be happy with your E *****

I was going to say you sound like my team lead, just as eloquent, reserved and thoughtful, but considering he's a few hundred miles at sea getting Cinco de Mayo'd, I find that doubtful.

And normally I'd assume you're having a bad day or you're a TL with a Napoleon complex that thinks every TM around him should bow and scrape and not bother him because god-forbid he has to perfom any of the "leadership" parts of his core roles; but from reading through your other posts it seems evident that you're just a dick and sound like a terrible person to work for/with or even talk to in person outside of a work environment.
Though the prior two descriptions (especially the Napoleon complex) could very well fit, too.

Having said that, I really don' care about your opinion. I don't care about what you would do to me. I'll let you take out your anger issues on whatever poor schlubs are stuck working for you. In any case, welcome to my Ignore List.
He probably booked the cruise months in advance- it's not something someone typically does impulsively! Maybe they thought they would be able to deliver them before leaving, and something prevented it from happening. Team Leads are people too, mistakes happen and I doubt it was premeditated. I couldn't deliver my reviews this year because I'm on maternity leave, should I be punished when I go back? Should I have taken reviews into consideration before concieving? Next time I'm making sure it falls during fourth quarter.Haha.
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