Archived TV'S in entertainment

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Mar 26, 2014
How do the TV'S in entertainment receive the Target images and Target related stuff on them? Does the LOD put in a DVD somewhere? Or does HQ sent the data wirelessly somehow ?
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It's a monthly DVD. And I think the DVD Player is connected to a huge splitter so all the TV's on the back wall connect via Coaxial or AV.

Some of those TV's can pickup OTA Signals though. NBC used to come in well at my store... and someone with a remote could watch Today, or Daytime Soap Operas :p
It's just a broadcast. They all have a coaxial plugged in. Channel 13.
It's just a broadcast. They all have a coaxial plugged in. Channel 13.
But how does it become a broadcast? I know Target doesn't have a national TV station.

I asked about this once before, and I was told it's a DVD player, and all the TV's are connected to Coaxial. I'm not too sure now though...
I really have no idea where the signal is broadcasted from but it's picked up by scanning for channels from the antenna. Channel 13.1
I'm really surprised no one has figured out how to hack the signal and play porn or something.
The TVs in entertainment have a separate feed/loop. The old blu ray endcap TV had a flash drive or maybe an sd card that had that loop.
I really have no idea where the signal is broadcasted from but it's picked up by scanning for channels from the antenna. Channel 13.1
It is sent over the network to the store to the equipment that is likely hanging in the electronics stockroom (ours is in a couple server racks hanging right above the door) and then sent out to the TVs over coaxial cable.

We had a TV signal issue at one point so I got up there to take a look. I decided turning it off and back on might be a viable solution... it was not.
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