Archived Typical Availability Change response time?

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Aug 14, 2015
So I need to change my availability (again) because the first time I submitted it, I got the days/times I'm available mixed up, so now I need to fix it so that it's correct.
However, 1) I already know I need to talk to one of two people to get it approved quickly, and 2) the schedule for two weeks out has already been posted and it conflicts with my class schedule quite a bit.

When I first submitted a request, I submitted it two weeks in advance and it didn't get approved until AFTER the schedule was made for the week I needed it to go into effect. I spoke with HR about this, and they said, "Sorry, you'll have to find people to swap with," basically saying there's nothing they can do. Is this true?

I was told by a friend who's previously worked at Target that she submitted a request a month in advance and it still wasn't approved in time. A coworker also told me that it usually takes a really long time for the requests to get approved and put into effect, and they usually don't tell you that until after it's too late.

Does anyone have a general idea of when the best time to submit these requests is, and how long you can expect to wait for it to go into effect? Also, how can I get HR to help me out with swapping shifts? I have 3 shifts I need to swap and I'm still in my 90 day thing, so I don't want to have to call out.
At least 3 weeks in advance before any schedules come out. Then, talking to your etl, tl & hr to remind them of the changes. After that, swap shift, becomes your best friend, along other tm's who want more hours.
You pretty much have to pester them a little to make sure they keep it in mind.
Don't bother them TOO much, tho.
Never piss off the person who handles your paycheck.
You should assume that as soon as one schedule is posted, they will begin working on the next one. So you should have the request submitted about 3 weeks in advance.

Remind your TL, ETL, and HR each once per day until they approve it or tell you specifically when they will get to it.
Thanks so much for the responses guys! Yea so at my store, HR has told me that there are 2 TL's that I need to talk to about getting it approved, and so I have a coworker that's gonna let me know if one of them will be in when I work tomorrow night, and she's super nice, so hopefully she'll help me out as soon as she can. And yea I have to talk to HR again and see what they can do for me, and obviously, find some people to swap with.

This is my first ever real job too, so this is all pretty confusing and intimidating for me, so thank you for the help! Finding this place has been amazing for me, there's so much useful information on here!
Gee, did they give you the runaround or what? I would find out who writes the schedule for your workcenter (TL, ETL, HR, whoever) and talk to them about it. Even if they don't receive your requests, if they're nice enough, they may be able to help you out by simply not scheduling you until it goes into effect.
Yea HR does the schedules in my store, and I talked to them about it the first time, because when I first changed my availability, it didn't get approved until after the schedule was made, so of course there were some conflicts for me. And when I talked to them, they literally told me, "I'm really sorry, but you're gonna have to find people to swap with." Like no help from them in any way, shape or form. Just, "sorry, that's on you!"

SO, this has definitely been a fun experience for me in my first ever job! :D And lucky me, HR is never in by the time I get to work because I keep getting closing shifts, and when I tried calling the other day before I came in, the operator told me that she only knew that they were in a meeting and had no idea when they'd be out or how late they'd be at the store. So it's probably gonna be a few days before I can actually talk to them about it, since I have a few more closing shifts before I have one during the day. But I'll try calling again during the early part of the day, and hopefully will be able to catch them.
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