Archived Was "talked to" about my work attire today? Has this ever happened to you?

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I wear a belt everyday. I forgot one once and I got one that came off a dress from the fitting room (I made sure all the dresses already were matched up to belts). Still have crack incidents in a belt

I do make sure all the pants I buy are mid rise because it's not as bad, then. And I wear long shirts and cover my butt with hanging clothes if I bend down. The only low rise khakis I have now are from the last time I got to work with my pants completely soaked from spontaneous downpour during my commute. I had to get the khakis from the girls dept and I guess they're low rise. I think the biggest problem is that my butt is larger than pants makers assume it should be so that probably pulls my pants in ways they aren't supposed to be pulled? Idk. Pants are hard. I wear joggers and leggings in my everyday life because it's easier to find pairs that fit
I forgot to wear my belt a few weeks ago and only lasted an hour before I bought a belt from the store. I don't know if it's the constant bending, squatting, or walking, but if I don't wear a belt to work, it sucks. I don't have this problem outside if work, so maybe it's just khakis.

I now own a belt that I would never pay $20 for in any other situation, yay!
I guess a guest could've complained about me, but damn, I didn't know an inch of midriff could ruin someone's day so hard haha. I also feel like an LOD would've came to talk to me about it, not a TL.
My STL always empowers me to have conversations withTMs about things whether it's a guest, his own personal experience or just my noticing.
I wish someone would complain about my boobs. Then I'd ask them if they'd like to pay for a reduction.

Personally I wear a minimizing bra and spanx to keep the girls out of the way at work. Our store did have a cashier that was very well endowed, short and liked wearing low cut shirts. Lots of young men didn't mind waiting in her line.
I got complained about when I first started on carts because my boxers were showing. I used to sag my pants a lot because I was hella cool like that :cool:
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You people need to buy pants that go to your waist instead of the ones that cut at the hip. It is the cure to butt crack and the cure to happy trail exposure. If your shirt still rides up and exposes your abdomen then, your shirt was probably made for Kelly Bundy lol.
Being a woman you are at the whim of manufacturers and fashion. I have several plain red maternity shirts for this reason alone...they are way longer than the average woman's shirt. Even in the tshirt selection right now you have three or four different length hemlines. Only one is as long as I'd like it. I bought the long&lean tanks last week (40% on cartwheel) and they are not long although they are indeed meant for lean people.

I've never been talked to but I almost exclusively wear a round neck or v neck shirt so my girls can breath. Regular tshirt necks make me feel like I'm strangling. I always wear a belt, cause I clip my lpda/mydevice there and otherwise it pulls my pants funny. But again, your choices are mid/high waist in straight leg or low/super low rise in bootcut or skinny or super skinny. I own one pair of skinny that I've yet to wear-can't find a shirt that hits where I want it to. The rest are low rise bootcut, I don't really like straight leg if I can avoid them. I've got curves and bootcut helps even those out.
I had an ETL get on me once about wearing my non-red jacket on the floor between stockrooms. I was pulling P-Fresh and going from cooler to cooler.

If I were that ETL, I'd be more worried about the plumber's crack entire ass.
I have the most fun wandering the salesfloor in freezer gear. We have the good stuff too with the, I gunna rob you, baclava.
@signingminion & @Signkitty I wore scoop neck tissue tees because of being around hot machinery most of the day.
Anything with a higher neck would ride up &, coupled with the apron neck strap, I'd be fighting strangulation.
The tissue weight kept the twins cool under an apron since they get cranky when overheated & I can't always take a moment to run into the walk-in for a titty chill.
@signingminion & @Signkitty I wore scoop neck tissue tees because of being around hot machinery most of the day.
Anything with a higher neck would ride up &, coupled with the apron neck strap, I'd be fighting strangulation.
The tissue weight kept the twins cool under an apron since they get cranky when overheated & I can't always take a moment to run into the walk-in for a titty chill.

If I don't tie the girls fown they get in the way and knock things over. I normally also powder around and under to keep underboob sweat at bay.
When I managed the cafe for the Big Box Book Store, I was given the task by our HR manager (a woman) of talking to one of my baristas about her habit of wearing very low cut tops.
She was the roommate of another barista.
Her argument was that they swapped clothes all the time and I wasn't giving her roommate a hard time for wearing the very same clothes.
I had to counter with the fact that she was at least 4 cup sizes larger than her roommate (I think I said built differently, seriously I was kind of flailing) so the clothes would fit differently.

Then she hit me with the big one, if she didn't wear the tops she wouldn't get the tips (we allowed tipping, unlike Spot) she needed to pay her bills.
Since even as a manager I was living hand to mouth, I totally understood what she was saying but had to stick to my guns.
The fact that she was one of my most reliable baristas made it all the more obnoxious.

Needless to say I went back to my HR person and explained that if an issue like this ever came up again, she would be handling it because I obviously lacked the wherewithal.

Two weeks later my barista quit for a coffee hut where she made more an hour and could wear what she wanted.
My STL at my old store was a huge stickler about leadership, including GSAs, wearing polo or other collared button down shirts tucked into the pants. When I got promoted from cashier to GSA, this was the expectation he had for me. Problem was I already had an entire wardrobe of red t-shirts and no polos, and could not really afford to buy a bunch of new expensive button down shirts making 50 cents above minimum wage. So I bought one or two polos and wore those once or twice a week and kept wearing my t-shirts the remainder of the week, which very much upset him. He never coached me for it because I don't really think he could but he did talk down to me and try to make me feel bad for "looking unprofessional."

Let me tell you how much I despise tucking in my shirt. Makes me look like a damn potato.
Jeepers, our store has such tight clothing and tan jeggins and muffin tops and butt cracks and boobies, and plaid, and orange, and maroon, and stripes and some days I can't tell who's working and who's off.
I'm not sure we have a dress code. o_O
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