Archived What happens after orientation?

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Oct 17, 2018
Hello I am sure this has been asked one too many time? I got told Monday would be orientation . But seems background check came back sooner than expected. Do they usually tell you when you start working ? Is it a few days later ? Or a week ? Or how does it go ? I am a bit nervous but confident I will be okay. I had plans already made didnt expect to be called so soon. Also can’t complain thankful for the job .
I assume when they asked during the interview if you had any time off needs in the foreseeable future, you made the interviewer aware? Or when you applied and spoke with HR, you gave them a start date that is after the date of these plans?

One of the forms we fill out when interviewing is availability, and on there is a section for us to input any upcoming time off needs since we know new TMs might be finishing their two weeks at their previous job etc, since new people are manually scheduled for the first weeks.
Oh I did. I am flexible but they said Monday Oct 22 would be orientation didnt expect I would be called sooner when I had plans. They did ask any upcoming vacations coming up.
Can you make it to the sooner orientation? Let the ETL HR know at it that you have commitments that were made taking into account the 10/22 orientation they had originally scheduled you for and you’ll be alright.
I called they said start day would be as early as sunday which is start if new week. Oh well its okay. Thank you for your help.
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