Archived What should I do about walking home alone late at night?

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Dec 22, 2011
The Target I'm going to start working at is in a bad area, sort of. The location is a tourist spot during the day, but at night it becomes the area where druggies, homeless people and just 'sketchy' people hang out around. I have to walk about half an hour to get home (I don't drive, everything is within walking distance.), but since I'm rather small, I'm worried that something is going to happen. I ordered pepper spray, but I don't know if Target has a thing against having that at work. Is does anybody have any advice for me?

I'm ALMOST 5'5" and female. I have no upper arm strength, I was almost kidnapped multipal times as a chid because I'm just an easy target I guess.

Anybody have some advice on how to deal with this on late night shifts?

What rules does your state have about concealed carry?
Personally I'm a big fan, both my daughters are certified and my youngest has started carrying at her job ever since one of her coworkers was kidnapped and murdered.
Take the classes and invest in a handgun you feel comfortable handling would be my first advice.
However if you don't feel comfortable or if your state doesn't allow it try one of these ...
The expanding baton is short enough that it will fit in a large purse, quasi-legal in most places (you might need to check) and with practice will give you the edge to take out people much larger and stronger.
What rules does your state have about concealed carry?
Personally I'm a big fan, both my daughters are certified and my youngest has started carrying at her job ever since one of her coworkers was kidnapped and murdered.
Take the classes and invest in a handgun you feel comfortable handling would be my first advice.
However if you don't feel comfortable or if your state doesn't allow it try one of these ...
The expanding baton is short enough that it will fit in a large purse, quasi-legal in most places (you might need to check) and with practice will give you the edge to take out people much larger and stronger.

Thank you, I'll look into that. I'm not sure what the rules in this state are but I'll look into it. =]
The Target I'm going to start working at is in a bad area, sort of. The location is a tourist spot during the day, but at night it becomes the area where druggies, homeless people and just 'sketchy' people hang out around. I have to walk about half an hour to get home (I don't drive, everything is within walking distance.), but since I'm rather small, I'm worried that something is going to happen. I ordered pepper spray, but I don't know if Target has a thing against having that at work. Is does anybody have any advice for me?

I'm ALMOST 5'5" and female. I have no upper arm strength, I was almost kidnapped multipal times as a chid because I'm just an easy target I guess.

Anybody have some advice on how to deal with this on late night shifts?


Best thing to do is see if a friend/coworker can take you home. Even though someone may not be available every night, at least you should be able to get a ride sometimes. Better than nothing....
How many nights do you work out of all your shifts? 2 out of 4? or 5? All closing shifts?
As suggested, you might ask a coworker for a lift if it were occasional but you might also sign up for a self-defense/safety awareness course (check w/local PD).
I've given rides to coworkers on any night I've had the car.
Also, ck & see what public transportation is available. Otherwise ask a co worker for ride home. Spot does offer commuter discounts. Go to ehr, my perks & discounts. On carrying a gun, if I remember correctly, tm's aren't allowed to have guns on spot property. There was a sad event, where a cashier was killed at her register in nc(a domestic).
Ck with your ap folks too. They know the turf well.
Thank you, I'll look into that. I'm not sure what the rules in this state are but I'll look into it. =]

If you can't get a concealed carry permit, at least get pepper spray. Better to be able to defend yourself than get hurt, ya know?
Consider getting a taxi? If your house is within walking distance I dont see taxi fees being so bad that it would hurt you. But thats just me.
What rules does your state have about concealed carry?
Personally I'm a big fan, both my daughters are certified and my youngest has started carrying at her job ever since one of her coworkers was kidnapped and murdered.
Take the classes and invest in a handgun you feel comfortable handling would be my first advice.
However if you don't feel comfortable or if your state doesn't allow it try one of these ...
The expanding baton is short enough that it will fit in a large purse, quasi-legal in most places (you might need to check) and with practice will give you the edge to take out people much larger and stronger.

I have that same model in my dresser for protecting my kids(no guns in the house until my kids are older). The snap of that metal as you extend it can have a nice effect on a potential assailant, make them think twice from just hearing it.

Consider getting a taxi? If your house is within walking distance I dont see taxi fees being so bad that it would hurt you. But thats just me.

Taxi's can be expensive, especially for part time workers. When I've had to take them in the past for work, I end up dropping $17 for a six mile ride.
The Target I'm going to start working at is in a bad area, sort of. The location is a tourist spot during the day, but at night it becomes the area where druggies, homeless people and just 'sketchy' people hang out around. I have to walk about half an hour to get home (I don't drive, everything is within walking distance.), but since I'm rather small, I'm worried that something is going to happen. I ordered pepper spray, but I don't know if Target has a thing against having that at work. Is does anybody have any advice for me?

I'm ALMOST 5'5" and female. I have no upper arm strength, I was almost kidnapped multipal times as a chid because I'm just an easy target I guess.

Anybody have some advice on how to deal with this on late night shifts?


offer your coworkers money to take you home. I would be happy to take somebody home in your situation every night I worked with you for something like 20 to 30 dollars a week or whatever depending on gas. That would be way cheaper than a taxi, and you would be making out like a bandit not having to deal with the expenses of owning an automobile.
I have a carry permit. I'm in PA. I have a very nice .38 special revolver that I carry in my purse. You could get a tiny little .22 and it would still be enough to either hurt the person or scare them away.

I know the gun range I go to here also has a personal taser. They can be a bit pricy ($250 ish) but if you don't feel like you could carry a gun, that might be a good option.

My only concern is that I'm always afraid that they will search my purse, find my gun and fire me for it. Its not like I'm afraid in the parking lot at work, I'm more concerned about making it from my car to my house. Honestly though, if it makes me feel safer, I'm going to continue to carry and if they fire me for protecting myself, so be it!
I have a carry permit. I'm in PA. I have a very nice .38 special revolver that I carry in my purse. You could get a tiny little .22 and it would still be enough to either hurt the person or scare them away.

I know the gun range I go to here also has a personal taser. They can be a bit pricy ($250 ish) but if you don't feel like you could carry a gun, that might be a good option.
My only concern is that I'm always afraid that they will search my purse, find my gun and fire me for it. Its not like I'm afraid in the parking lot at work, I'm more concerned about making it from my car to my house. Honestly though, if it makes me feel safer, I'm going to continue to carry and if they fire me for protecting myself, so be it!
Don't mention it to anyone.
They have signs posted at the doors, the lockers & time clock about prohibiting the possession of firearms on Target property.
Guess they didn't want to worry about disgruntled TMs going off on leadership (or 'gruntled' ones for that matter).
They have signs posted at the doors, the lockers & time clock about prohibiting the possession of firearms on Target property.
Guess they didn't want to worry about disgruntled TMs going off on leadership (or 'gruntled' ones for that matter).

I could see that happening.....

Anyway, Ermah Gurd were not allowed to search anyones purse. If ANYONE tries to search your bag, refuse there request and mention it to the hotline. AP is allowed to search the employee lockers but not personal bags. If I were you though, I would leave my store in groups and leave my purse under a car seat or well hidden.
Don't walk by yourself! See if you can get a ride from someone. And like redeye suggested, see if you can get into a self-defense class.
Anyway, Ermah Gurd were not allowed to search anyones purse. If ANYONE tries to search your bag, refuse there request and mention it to the hotline. AP is allowed to search the employee lockers but not personal bags. If I were you though, I would leave my store in groups and leave my purse under a car seat or well hidden.

Hmmm, at Orientation, there's a paper that the newbies have to sign that says (among other things) that ETLs (not just AP, but ETLs in general) can search lockers, handbags, purses, etc. And that's a paper we print out from the application system every time we run Orientation, too, so it shouldn't be an outdated one.
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