Archived what to say when calling out?

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Aug 28, 2015
im really sick today and i have pink eye. do i just say "i cant come in today" ? or ''im calling out today''?
Just tell them you are not feeling well and wont be able to make it in today. You are not required to give them specific details. However, most people do ( including myself )
Pink eye is VERY contagious (airborne); tell them that & they shouldn't give you grief.
Back in the old days pink eye was more commonly known as conjunctivitis and you could get quarantined for it.
Especially since it can be fatal to horses.

You don't have to tell them anything but telling them you have pink eye and are highly contagious is enough.
Not every store is the same but at my store everyone gets a coaching for all call outs no matter what the reason is. Your 5th call out in a year period at my store is a final.
I got pink eye in basic training, god that shit sucked. Could hardly open my eye.

Like others said, it's contagious as f*ck. Just say you're sick w/ pink eye (or just say you're sick), and can't come in. Really straight & simple. As long as you don't call in every week they shouldn't give you any grief.
The last time I called out, I was on hold long enough that a globule of mucus accumulated in my throat, so when the LOD answered the phone, I awkwardly choked/coughed, and raspily said I couldn't come in. Her response was basically, "Yeah, you sound awful! Stay home!"

Calling out ALWAYS causes me stress. But, as long as you're not calling out all the time, don't worry about it. Even if you're working an essential shift that day. At least in my store, I get the impression they're just glad to save on hours.
Back in the old days pink eye was more commonly known as conjunctivitis and you could get quarantined for it.
Especially since it can be fatal to horses.

You don't have to tell them anything but telling them you have pink eye and are highly contagious is enough.
Back in 'the old days?' It is STILL known as conjunctivitis. It is the correct medical term.
Back in 'the old days?' It is STILL known as conjunctivitis. It is the correct medical term.

Valid point.
It's just for some reason, we seem to have made it cute and cuddly by calling it pink eye.
When I was a kid, 'pink eye' was what the moms called it.
Kinda like them sending a note that you stayed home with 'an upset stomach' because they didn't want to say/spell 'diarrhea'.
Valid point. It's just for some reason, we seem to have made it cute and cuddly by calling it pink eye.

Cute and cuddley? Whenever I hear an adult has pink eye, I just wonder if it's because they got semen in it. Not the cutest thought.
Never got pink eye on the job, but I once had to call out because of a scratched cornea. That hurt like a bitch.
Ugh we once had a cashier come in to the store with pink eye. As soon as I saw her I pulled her off a lane and took her into the ETL HR's office. It took me 10 minutes to get it through that we needed to send her home because she could pass it on to every single guest that checks out with her.
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