Recent content by BullseyeTheDog

  1. BullseyeTheDog

    Archived Calling out - in my case, what’s your opinion?

    So I’ve been with the bullseye gang for over a year, and in that span I’ve called out a total of 1 time. It was sometime during the spring, I think. I am planning to call out from a relatively short (less than 6 hours) shift this week because I just need a friggin break. I’ve got exams for...
  2. BullseyeTheDog

    Archived Target’s POS system vs other places

    I was recently hired by Target (according to them it is NOT seasonal as I will be working in electronics). However, my first official day (this Friday) will be spent training on cashier. Afterwards, I will be training on electronics. I’ve worked before as a cashier at two different major fast...