Archived Calling out - in my case, what’s your opinion?

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Nov 13, 2017
So I’ve been with the bullseye gang for over a year, and in that span I’ve called out a total of 1 time. It was sometime during the spring, I think. I am planning to call out from a relatively short (less than 6 hours) shift this week because I just need a friggin break. I’ve got exams for college and I don’t have an actual day off (counting college and work) for the next 2 weeks, because I mainly work weekends. I get it, it’s the holiday season, everyone’s hands on. I think, given my track record, I can afford a day off.

The problem is, I’m not so sure how accurate management’s record keeping is. Last time I called out, my manager said something about “they spoke to you about your attendance issues right” in an annoyed voice. I politely informed him that nobody spoke to me of that because I literally had never called out up to that point and had been on time to all my shifts. He begrudgingly said okay and hung up. So I’m worried some stunt like that will be pulled again and held against me for wanting a much needed mental break. What’s my next move?
Have you tried offering up your shift to another team member?

You might need a break, but your “relatively short” shift not being covered is going to screw over the rest of the team.

Hell, people calling out of a 4 hour shift screws our whole world.
The problem with putting it on the swap shift board is s that if no one takes it, what then?

Just call off if you've made up your mind to.

Think of it this way: read all the posts on here where Target changes the schedule daily, cuts shifts last minute, or calls people telling them not to come in that day. Target gives no fucks if people needed that shift to make rent.

I'm not going to justify it morally. I'm merely saying that if you are going to call off, don't advertise it beforehand. Just call and say you can't come in.
If your attendance record is as clean as you say, there’s nothing to be concerned about. Sure, someone may be annoyed or possessed you called in. Life goes on though.

That said ... you’ve known for a long while when exam and crunch time was. You should’ve requested a few days. Many of our college kids did. Made for a tight schedule, but, we was able to work with them
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You might be able to get away with it like in August but December before Christmas- they will remember. I would see about getting someone to pick up your shift before calling out. I know going to school and working sucks but let's be honest- you should have known it was going to suck during exam time. If I was you I'd rearrange your time and study while on break or lunch then when you get off. But that's me...🤷‍♀️
Best choice : You requested days off before schedule was posted
2nd best: you post shifts on swap and someone picks them up
Bad choice: you call out
worst choice: you no call no show (includes posting ship on swap that no one picks up for you)
Absolute Worst choice for your future: you spend 6 hrs zoning something that is messy where you started by the time you finish and you fail a final

ASANTS: at my store, nothing serious happens to anyone who has less than 3 violations per month (total for all: in late, leave early, call off).
However, When hours are cut they will probably remember the last minute call-out in December and forget your perfect record the first 11 months of the year.
Expect 8 hours/week schedule in January if you choose to call out.

School should come before Target. I would not advise my own kids to go to work instead of studying/sleep. If you’re in school, Target is not your career .
I am not in school so I would suck it up and show for my shift if something else came up that wasn’t preparing for a test

Life is full of choices. Key is to choose wisely.

Answer to your question: record keeping is precise. A report prints for all violations to the schedule. What your leaders do with that information is another story. Sometimes favoritism comes into play where repeat offenders are given a pass, sometimes the reports are used against a tm that is being targeted. If used correctly, this one call off should not make a difference to you - only to the shorted staff left in your wake.
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"You should have known ..... " I can't laugh hard enough. This is the same company that "should have known" not to lose billions of dollars in Canada. Or should know how to write a schedule so that they aren't calling people the day they work to not come in. Or should know how to push product that came in November to the floor by now. But they don't. So dont stress over it.
Each store is different but in mine if you put it on the swap board and no one takes it and you call out you get in bigger trouble than if you just called out so if you wanna be that guy and screw the team over with less consequences then just call out
Just call out. Anyone here or at your store who gives you shit about "But it screws the whole team!" has called out before, screwing their team. They don't have any high ground to look down on you from.
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